All my Poems

Collection: Find that Fulcrum [and Push!]

300 Country Roads →

Thinking of me the programmer building an app a whole country could use - "Think of transparency, mutual good will and sincerity as paramount... And imagine if technology could in this serve as our mount"

299 Ten Points →

RD - Romance: "I can love you forever, show I'm made of tender stuff... As causes a symphony of joy to course within you... 10 points lover, and let each day bring me nearer to you"


298 Umbrella →

Wriiten when a matriarch was called to Eden above and how her Umbrella continues to protect her family.

297 My Prayers →

About the same mother - "My prayers that you grow into a source of delight soon... A girl I saw a spark of as her healing put us on the moon"

296 The Blues →

About a mother and son who "Together they help people find a way out of any malady... That wisdom or vidya is her gift to times such as these"

295 Roots →

Thinking of the women I have loved. I try not to let it show, but theres pain all over. "A friend with a silver tongue wished me good company... But that ended in disaster, I have since willed my way on"

294 Mettle →

For a friend and her son who "We're a simple folk, firm as bedrock is our faith in the One... Who will show us a way, help us bid our past a firm adieu"

293 Garden →

Yavanna - Garden reminded my of the Mrityunjaya mantra and God begging us to have a "victory over death by being in the present... Being ready to leave, grasping onto life which was heaven sent"

292 Appa →

For my parents - "So fragile our dreams when we know not the way... Today, I am cleansed and freed of a self neglecting past"

291 Closer to Believing →

Ah, the thrill of meeting a kindred spirit - "Did you grab the opportunities that came your way to express love... Did your heart sometimes expand and soar up to the skies above"

290 Heal The World →

Written for my mother as I come to terms with a grumpy past - "What we all need is a little more patience, understanding and love... We need to plant these as seeds and saplings in Mother Earth's grove"

289 Toys →

Written in the horror of seeing a youngster playing shooting and killing games, I was reminded of the Robin Williams movie Toys

288 Needs →

Same Group - "I swear to thee, this above all... We need to learn to stand tall... For this world needs giants again... People who serve with no thought for gain"

287 Band of Poets →

On a WhatsApp group, I began with "I joined a group of people - we all shared one thing in common... 'Twas a love of words, words that spoke to a body's heart... We drenched ourselves in poetry for that fueled our imagination... We'd speak of the human condition - this dialogue was our art"

Father Mine

286 Father Mine →

Written as I painfully miss my dad and want to have him back so we can both "serve humanity" as we individually strove to do so.

285 Mistreated →

Ah, dear Soph - "No matter whether they seem they will engulf you in sadness and terror... There will come a brighter day when you will smile again and move on"

284 Strength2 →

How I look forward to knowing you better - "Stand forth to center and be called out in loving honour... You stand tall, dwarving us with your immense stature... I've been jaded by the wall of pain that surrounds all... The people I love, perhaps it's my turn to stand tall!"

283 Rent Asunder →

A much needed low propelled by a dear friend.

282 I saw you Cry →

For a friend who was broken down.

281 Do Well →

Written the day we performed special prayers, our spirit is to: "We stand apart in our promise to deliver a high standard... Of quality, we work hard to give what we said we would... We're quick to support a colleague, we're never wayward... Instead our concern for living beings touches as it should."

Rock Bottom

280 Rock Bottom →

For a friend who was feeling low, in the hope that he will cause a change in the trend.

279 December →

On the Occasion of my cousin Shoaib's wife's birthday.

278 Covid Times →

2020 with its pandemic in perspective - "We're done with the old ways of utter callousness and unfeeling... Being cooped at home, we've gotten past crazy and begun healing... It's a little rough but we're now starting to appreciate family... There's been friction but we learn to enjoy the other's gaiety"

277 Fluid →

Written for a friend who had just given a presentation on the Bhagaavd Gita, that vehicle of Old Indian Wisdom.

276 Again →

A poem that touches raw on the feelings spouses go through when theyre rejected and have little chance to reflect on their own feelings.

275 Bittersweet →

A song of grief written for a friend who just lost her mother.

274 The Teacher Within →

In gratitude for teachers and they joy they must feel watching their wards grow.

273 Carte Blanche →

Jointly written as an engagement gift for my cousin Shoaib. They both very sweetly wrote their own poems with the words we chose to write with that night.

272 Desiderata →

When a friend (Mustafa) caught me at an emotional moment.

271 This Man's Best Friend →

Incomplete poem about my best friend and his wish to be reborn a puppy.

Sun and Sea

270 Sun and Sea →

A mashup poem on the joy we can all face as I write snippets on different friend's walls.


269 Sensitives →

On how a brighter future is possible if we let breathe the sensitive side inside us.

The Van

268 The Van →

If evolving is a struggle, this poem sees me coming to terms with my part as an observer, not a doer. The vanguard or fountainhead of human progress.

Power Supreme

267 Power Supreme →

A prayer for the power to go out and do good in this world.

Adept at Soulstuff

266 Adept at Soulstuff →

About a kid who wants to be a teacher and joins the fray - the fray to yieldmore.


265 Unification →

Underscores the need for warming to each other's troubles and dissolving boundaries. Dedicated to the Father of the Indian Nation.

Gibran and I

264 Gibran and I →

About how a poet can listen, evoke feelings and help cure the maladies of the world.

Black and White

263 Black and White →

For a dear friend on the occasion of his book launch.


262 Careworn →

About a man whose spent and feeling a little careworn.

Dear Friend

261 Dear Friend →

On the occasion of my friend Melissa's birthday.

Dear Teacher

260 Dear Teacher →

In gratitude for Teachers, with the hope that ill make a good one some day.

Dear Mother

259 Dear Mother →

For the Mother Foundation and how Mother Earth would want us to be.


258 Joy2 →

On the occasion of my friend Reggie's wedding


257 Adesh →

Requesting the Lord to command us to be good and amicable to one another.

Cry Peace

256 Cry Peace →

A loud rallying call to establish peace, dedicated to my pastor Gary

Dear John

255 Dear John →

On the occasion of my friend John's birthday


254 Troubled →

For 3 friends who are all finding themselves in difficult / estranged relationsships

Sprout Please

253 Sprout Please →

A poem for my co-founder Sundaram and the company we hope to build

Embrace the Morrow

252 Embrace the Morrow →

A poem that begs us to brood not in the past (when we were in love). "I know its not easy but on letting go, we're choosing life - And not dwelling unnecessarily on highs from our past - Letting go is healing, the past cut away as by a knife - Instead we focus on the now and build a future to last"

My Maker

251 My Maker →

Dhala Sr - Written from the viewpoint of the dear departed, comforting us that death was just a passing. "Know life as wondrous, full of it's ups and downs - Be inspired to live in the memory of loved ones - Our Maker you will join one day, so try and find - Your rhythm in this life - just quieten the mind"

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