Essays and Reflections
In this, my older prose, you will see the passion with which I write and the articles that formed the basis of Imagine and my PoetryCollection: Reflecting the Flame Imperishable in the mirror of the soul
1 Love Letter →
REG - Written for a woman I wanted to marry and couldnt because too many notions got in the way.
2 Gratitude →
Written for John's wedding in 2011, this remains my standard wish for any couple and forms a part of other writings like Valima and Fray
3 Brittle →
Why do we have to be so brittle with our religions and ideologies? Lets be more tolerant and loving esp towards ourselves.
5 Musings →
Musings Interrupted (thoughts on the way to Pondicherry in 2013 - spiritual pilgrimage)
9 Church →
Notes for HCLC in Bellevue and read over 2 Sundays - this includes Cliff Rihcard's Sing a Song and Kansas' Wall
Richard Bach, Nov 2013
Profound Curations, Reflecting the Flame Imperishable in the mirror of the soul
10 Copyfight →
Written in America, a CURATOR imploring Authors to make their more profound works free
11 Valima →
Naazesh - At a cousins wedding - a reading out of Gratitude mixed with a few other thoughts and quotes.
13 Sleep Eros →
Fictionalized Romance where it takes a couple a whole year of bonding before igniting the sexual spark.
14 Quality →
A plea not to judge other on religious grounds, but to let a true spirit of harmony reign
16 Unspoken →
Planned selection of prayers and my own "Harmony" prayer - unspoken at Hussain Day, Bangalore
17 Partners →
Puja - Few thoughts on romance and partners, ends with a note to my cousin on her wedding day.
24 Inspired Teaching →
Written for Edlusion, my former employer, this underscores the need for inpired teaching - seeing it as a calling rather than yet another profession.
25 Particle Physics →
Kinda cryptic love note, this one inspired by "Will and Lyra" in Philip Pullman's Dark Materials
26 Intangibles →
Written for Edlusion, my former employer, this talks of the Intangibles in Teaching Frameworks.
28 Feeling For Others →
Short appeal to people not to be indifferent to each other's pain.
29 Keep Smiling →
Long message to students about "never losing that fire" and making life spectacular.
32 The Fray →
For a friend when her cousin got married - a mix of various essays and prayers for partners.
33 Bless Us Father →
A short prayer as we "undertake to manifest our very Heaven on Earth".
34 Taminders Legacy →
A barrage of questions based on characters of the book of Richard Bach ie: Curious Lives
Featured: Featured Graphics Only All
Children (3) Daivic (1) Death (1) Ethos (2) Friends (1) Healing (6) Inspire (1) Mankind (2) Metaphysics (3) Occasions (3) One World (12) Oneness (2) Peace (2) Prayer (2) Profound Curations (1) Relationships (3) Religion (3) Romance (2) Society (1) Soulful Dancing (1) Spirit (5) Spirituality (4) Unification (2)
1 Love Letter →
REG - Written for a woman I wanted to marry and couldnt because too many notions got in the way.
2 Gratitude →
Written for John's wedding in 2011, this remains my standard wish for any couple and forms a part of other writings like Valima and Fray
3 Brittle →
Why do we have to be so brittle with our religions and ideologies? Lets be more tolerant and loving esp towards ourselves.
5 Musings →
Musings Interrupted (thoughts on the way to Pondicherry in 2013 - spiritual pilgrimage)
9 Church →
Notes for HCLC in Bellevue and read over 2 Sundays - this includes Cliff Rihcard's Sing a Song and Kansas' Wall
Richard Bach, Nov 2013
Profound Curations, Reflecting the Flame Imperishable in the mirror of the soul
10 Copyfight →
Written in America, a CURATOR imploring Authors to make their more profound works free
11 Valima →
Naazesh - At a cousins wedding - a reading out of Gratitude mixed with a few other thoughts and quotes.
13 Sleep Eros →
Fictionalized Romance where it takes a couple a whole year of bonding before igniting the sexual spark.
14 Quality →
A plea not to judge other on religious grounds, but to let a true spirit of harmony reign
16 Unspoken →
Planned selection of prayers and my own "Harmony" prayer - unspoken at Hussain Day, Bangalore
17 Partners →
Puja - Few thoughts on romance and partners, ends with a note to my cousin on her wedding day.
24 Inspired Teaching →
Written for Edlusion, my former employer, this underscores the need for inpired teaching - seeing it as a calling rather than yet another profession.
25 Particle Physics →
Kinda cryptic love note, this one inspired by "Will and Lyra" in Philip Pullman's Dark Materials
26 Intangibles →
Written for Edlusion, my former employer, this talks of the Intangibles in Teaching Frameworks.
28 Feeling For Others →
Short appeal to people not to be indifferent to each other's pain.
29 Keep Smiling →
Long message to students about "never losing that fire" and making life spectacular.
32 The Fray →
For a friend when her cousin got married - a mix of various essays and prayers for partners.
33 Bless Us Father →
A short prayer as we "undertake to manifest our very Heaven on Earth".
34 Taminders Legacy →
A barrage of questions based on characters of the book of Richard Bach ie: Curious Lives