All my Poems

Collection: Teeming with Life

350 Kindness →

Written with a friend as reminder for him / all of us to be kinder to ourselves as we celebrate our children's lives.

MSA, 10 Jul 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

349 Let Go2 →

This one about letting go our lower tendencies and living in the light

Anees, 7 Jul 2021
French, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

348 Madame →

Written for my French Teacher, 25 years after she began to teach us in school, this poem soon to be translated to English

MSA, 5 Jul 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

347 Sincerity →

Embodying a future spirit, this poem speaks of desirable qualities, offering hope that "just when your faith is flagging, an angel appearing... Out of nowhere will give you a boost and you the pinnacle will surmount"

346 Sorrow2 →

With an aside to the sorrow and grief I've seen, I finally advise the dedicated to "Know that in the end you'll find the way back to God - Upbraid him for neglecting you"

Self, 1 Jul 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

345 Hey You →

Using the Imperative - "Hey You", this poem addresses humanity from the viewpoint of 5 different spiritual figures.

Let's Plant Mangoes

Bidisha, 20 Jun 2021
Nature, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

344 Let's Plant Mangoes →

For a young girl Stuti who is fond of nature

Bidisha, 12 Jun 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

343 Why Not →

Sharing a friend's frailer moment

342 More Goodness →

For an old friend as she turns a year older

341 Mamma →

For a young girl Stuti who just dotes on her mother.

340 Daivism →

For a newly met friend while contemplating on the divine and what life has in store for those who serve.

Ali, 1 Jun 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

339 Twenny Four →

About a friend whose stood by me "we barely know how to cry... And wash away the nightmares in our dark past... Has the time come to grow in the light at last"


Raji, 16 May 2021
Birthdays, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

338 Submission →

For an aunt who has few rivals when it comes to devotion and poise. And how I want her to inspire my students to live in God's Peace and Love.


Reuben, 15 May 2021
Grief, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

337 Reunited →

For a dear friend upong the loss of his uncle... Triggered a powerful emotion and thought for all the people we love and the longing to be reunited with them.

336 Teach →

For a dear teacher friend of mine, on her birthday

A Sparrow Falls

Sama, 11 May 2021
Daivic, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

335 A Sparrow Falls →

A painful reminder as to how many lives we are losing in this pandemic and how we feel each death so poignantly. Ends with a word of comfort to those in the line of fire.

Monty's Cry

334 Monty's Cry →

If life is a test, we need to up the ante and SOMEHOW learn to lead a FULL LIFE, letting the past go and fighting to get into gear.

Sandra, 24 Apr 2021
Romance, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

333 Blow →

When losing a parent, we hit a new low and our feelings get all jammed up. How will this raw grief bring about a catharsis for us?


Self, 21 Apr 2021
Healing, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

332 Pray →

Like the masters say - we should FREE ourselves from all LIMITATIONS and SOAR ON HIGH in SERVICE to the DIVINE.

Kavitha, 12 Apr 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

331 Care →

I worry about you sometimes ,hope i can be therein some small way,while you do your best to be well.

Self, 4 Apr 2021
Healing, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

330 Grew →

When losing a parent, we hit a new low and our feelings get all jammed up. How will this raw grief bring about a catharsis for us?

329 Summer →

Remember our time is short,so spend it well,let our children dance in the light,weave a spell.

328 Licked →

Have faiththe game is not overyetand beg that deep within-your heart courageously holds sway.

Tracey, 31 Mar 2021
Children, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

327 Worries →

Dont worry dear parents, all things are covered in the grand circle of life.

326 Rappo →

Then came Rappo who, with concern gave us a leg up Provided our basics so I could learn without hiccup.

Tracey, 29 Mar 2021
Romance, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

325 Holiday →

Is there a girlto push me to the brink of what i am capable of?

Narayan, 22 Mar 2021
Nature, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

324 Skandan →

The trees are fully in bloomfilling the airwith nature's perfume.

Matter or Spirit

MSA, 21 Mar 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

323 Matter or Spirit →

Imploring us to fashion things with our own hands and be filled with passion - for that is when spirit arises in matter.

Self, 19 Mar 2021
Strength, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

322 Redound →

He'd a special work that to the lord would redoundthe timeless work of the GITA,UNITING HIS ONLY MISSION.

321 Seeking →

Consciousness is experience itself and is just another name for the soul.

Self, 19 Mar 2021
Strength, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

320 Run On Empty →

Run on Empty folks, the time is near, when all we need are the unfettered mind and a fierce valiant spirit.

Shobi, 15 Mar 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

319 No Quit →

last year i prayed that you be strong and resilient with no quit in you unbreakable like adamantine.

318 Pandu →

Pandu - I often think of this noble soul who orchestratd the highs of many a person and team.

Anusha, 11 Mar 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

317 Purchase →

I wish more of ou friendswould grassp the essence of life,learning to live it most merrily.

316 Hands →

37 years have left him bone weary, he now begs a saviour to walk together.


315 Waves2 →

Father come back and kiss me gently and put your arms around me.

314 Shoots →

I've searched for a woman to love till eternity,now tim to discover what is serenity.


Anusha, 1 Mar 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

313 Time2 →

all it asks is our poise total and absoluteamidst the uproar and the noise.

Anusha, 28 Feb 2021
Children, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

312 Online Education →

it will stop us all from just going through the motions Instead grind us all until we've made our kid's life into bliss


Anusha, 26 Feb 2021
Grief, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

311 Catharsis →

When losing a parent, we hit a new low and our feelings get all jammed up. How will this raw grief bring about a catharsis for us?

Ali, 26 Feb 2021
Healing, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

310 Reach →

I keep planting seeds of brotherly caring,but it falls on deaf ears,dont they cry at another's grieif, one that's so painful.

Reza, 23 Feb 2021
Nature, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

309 Sunshine Wiggle →

Seemingly disjointed, but a record of ideas from my cousin, woven into thoughts

Reza, 21 Feb 2021
Friends, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

308 Gaps →

There's gaps in the attention we get from parents when we grow up and there is intellectual chasms and bridges to cross.

Anusha, 15 Feb 2021
Teamwork, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

307 Ooruni →

The farm has an old worldand rustic charm, a certain serenity about the place.

Narayan, 14 Feb 2021
Nature, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

306 Farm Visitors →

The call of birds weave their bright magic upon our soul, the city couldnt mend us but now out here we're whole.

MSA, 15 Sep 2020
Daivic, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

305 WOW →

I'll help you instead of reeling from the light.

Anusha, 12 Feb 2021
Strength, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

304 Void →

To explode into action, fill the void and be merry in any weather.

MSA, 11 Feb 2021
Daivic, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

303 Devakalam →

Look to your lordand let hisheaven manifest faster.

Anusha, 10 Feb 2021
Children, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

302 Kids →

Help our kids develop their talents,smoothly change their gears.

Carolyn, 26 Jan 2021
Family, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled

301 Knit Knit →

About knitting memories inthe tapestry of lives,this poem tells of granny who lived through ww II but whose spirit remained unconquered till the end and who left me a number of things each of which rekindles a treasured moment

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