Raji, 16 May 2021
Birthdays, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
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For an aunt who has few rivals when it comes to devotion and poise. And how I want her to inspire my students to live in God's Peace and Love.
Vishnu Vasu, 14 Sep 2021
Healing, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!] | WORK: impelled
Written about the story a friend and filmmaker had just made about compassion and forgiveness in the atrocities of war
Poonam, 30 Aug 2021
Teamwork, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!] | WORK: impelled
About the old indic thought of gradations in colour of the modes of nature in people. Written for a friend who is researching it
Omar, 19 Aug 2021
Healing, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!] | WORK: impelled
I want to break fre but it seems i lack the nerve, lead the way, help me on green pastures to serve.
Self, 1 Aug 2021
Music, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!] | WORK: impelled
As I hit "ground zero" at ByTwo Studios, this medley sees me trying to set words to the tune of 5 different Pink Floyd Songs
Bidisha, 25 Jul 2021
Spirit, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!] | WORK: impelled
To sum life up, I simply say "To know her pain is also to know her high - ya? So try to dig deep for her buried treasure"
Srividya, 25 Jul 2021
Healing, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!] | WORK: impelled
As a friend comes to a crossroads, my trying to give her courage and resolve. Happy to say shes already well on the mend.
MSA, 21 Jul 2021
Spirit, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!] | WORK: impelled
A from the heart confession about my less than perfect self / appreciation for the family that loves and supports me.
MSA, 10 Jul 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
MSA, 5 Jul 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
Embodying a future spirit, this poem speaks of desirable qualities, offering hope that "just when your faith is flagging, an angel appearing... Out of nowhere will give you a boost and you the pinnacle will surmount"
Ali, 1 Jun 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
About a friend whose stood by me "we barely know how to cry... And wash away the nightmares in our dark past... Has the time come to grow in the light at last"
Raji, 16 May 2021
Birthdays, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
For an aunt who has few rivals when it comes to devotion and poise. And how I want her to inspire my students to live in God's Peace and Love.
Reuben, 15 May 2021
Grief, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
For a dear friend upong the loss of his uncle... Triggered a powerful emotion and thought for all the people we love and the longing to be reunited with them.
Sama, 11 May 2021
Daivic, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
A painful reminder as to how many lives we are losing in this pandemic and how we feel each death so poignantly. Ends with a word of comfort to those in the line of fire.
Srividya, 8 May 2021
Strength, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
If life is a test, we need to up the ante and SOMEHOW learn to lead a FULL LIFE, letting the past go and fighting to get into gear.
Self, 21 Apr 2021
Healing, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
Like the masters say - we should FREE ourselves from all LIMITATIONS and SOAR ON HIGH in SERVICE to the DIVINE.
MSA, 21 Mar 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
Imploring us to fashion things with our own hands and be filled with passion - for that is when spirit arises in matter.
Anusha, 26 Feb 2021
Grief, Teeming with Life | WORK: impelled
When losing a parent, we hit a new low and our feelings get all jammed up. How will this raw grief bring about a catharsis for us?
Anusha, 24 Jan 2021
Healing, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!] | WORK: impelled
Wriiten when a matriarch was called to Eden above and how her Umbrella continues to protect her family.
Shayesteh, 8 Jan 2021
Grief, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!] | WORK: impelled
Written as I painfully miss my dad and want to have him back so we can both "serve humanity" as we individually strove to do so.
Gandhi, 22 Nov 2020
Healing, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!] | WORK: impelled
Underscores the need for warming to each other's troubles and dissolving boundaries. Dedicated to the Father of the Indian Nation.
Katherine, 9 Nov 2020
Imagine, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!] | WORK: impelled
Requesting the Lord to command us to be good and amicable to one another.
Gary, 2 Nov 2020
Imagine, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!] | WORK: impelled
A loud rallying call to establish peace, dedicated to my pastor Gary
Self, 4 Oct 2020
Friends, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
For four very dear friends who wished the best for me and how its time for me to stop playing the victim and instead come into my own
Uma, 27 Sep 2020
Family, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
A touching poem about my mother and how I ask her to "Grant a poet his place in dreaming of tomorrow"
Tolkien, 22 Sep 2020
Famous People, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
Inspired by a Tolkien story about a painter Niggle and how his art transformed the afterlife
Srividya, 3 Sep 2020
Teamwork, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
For a friend, now turned healer - "I say join her even if your body and will are broken, with healing hands necessary to make you whole - she'll strive non stop"
Sundaram, 14 Aug 2020
Teamwork, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
Written as a friend and I set out to build a company and "let's boldly set out to see just what it is we can do, to leave this world better, like a whiff of mountain dew"
Sandra, 9 Aug 2020
Romance, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
Going down memory lane I recall my happy moments with my loved one,and knowing now that she will not come back,move on and not despair.
Ali, 1 Jul 2020
Occasions, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
Canada, help us take a giant leap forward, and dream, until in delight we scream.
Tracey, 17 May 2020
Romance, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
World, 26 Mar 2020
Imagine, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
So verdant they are that my heart is set a tingling... I feel a love emanating for all of God's creation... The night sky and silvery moon sets me singing... With the smell of Earth and Nature, I feel an elation...
Abigail S, 17 Mar 2020
Friends, Ante Up [and kick in] | WORK: infused
I cry now when I think of those fifteen years, how you showed how deeply you cared.
Usha S, 7 Mar 2020
Family, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love] | WORK: infused
Uma, 20 Feb 2020
Family, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love] | WORK: infused
God, 30 Mar 2019
Spirit, Spontaneous Love | WORK: infused
Live Valiant! "Guess I should, if I could go out and fight - For the victory of Good - fight with all might".
JF Kennedy, 20 Mar 2019
Famous People, Spontaneous Love | WORK: infused
On finding a higher purpose than war. "We've always killed the very best of humanity... Where men gather together to teach Love's gospel - Come let's unite now, cast together our own spell"
Reuben, 11 Dec 2018
Imagine, Spontaneous Love | WORK: infused
Jointly, Sons of God - wake up and life the Life Divine. "Why does none fight for the very principle of right - Sons of God wake up, live the good life and in might".
Gypsy, 10 Nov 2018
Birthdays, Spontaneous Love | WORK: infused
Wonder, for a very special woman. "hear an old clock chime - As it turns midnight with the promise of turning dreams true - Dreams you held on to for a long time, that reach out and touch you".
Women, 19 Oct 2018
Romance, Spontaneous Love | WORK: infused
RD - Fiction, for a couple in love. "A surety that his love would stay on target, unerring as a dart - As close as two friends could get, there from the very start".
Anusha, 26 Aug 2018
Friends, Spontaneous Love | WORK: infused
Paraphrasing Bryan Adams' Star in this line "Dont give up, dont look back, theres a silver lining, its out there somewhere - We need a shining star to depend on, so shine forth and find the star in there".
Sandra, 26 Jul 2017
Romance, Essays to a Swan | WORK: infused
I think of those days I was rapt - "so deep the bond we lovingly forged - feel you beside me our lips engorged".
God, 3 Jun 2017
Devotional, Essays to a Swan | WORK: infused
One more of those devotional poems that talks of life, with "experiences so engraved in our minds - emotions that linger in all shapes and kinds".
MSA, 12 Mar 2017
Imagine, Essays to a Swan | WORK: infused
How the world can be if Builders (Change Agents) were all given a chance to "reshape that stream of activity around us until the possibility of greatness is achieved".
MSA, 11 Feb 2017
Spirit, Essays to a Swan | WORK: infused
Sama, 22 Jan 2017
Romance, Essays to a Swan | WORK: infused
Love, from a woman's eyes, for her man "whose graceful nature and toil, kept us in abundance and comfort".
Jayan, 15 Jan 2017
Gratitude, Essays to a Swan | WORK: infused
For mentors who "push the boundaries of our abilities", a "chain of nurturers showing us the way".
God, 31 Dec 2016
Spirit, Essays to a Swan | WORK: infused
Asha P, 15 Dec 2016
Gratitude, Essays to a Swan | WORK: infused
Uma, 12 Nov 2016
Family, Essays to a Swan | WORK: infused
A tribute to mothers, especially mine - "lights that guide us through the dark".