All my Prose

Collection: Reflecting the Flame Imperishable in the mirror of the soul

35 Messages 2020 →

Messages on Independance day and 2020 Eid

34 Taminders Legacy →

A barrage of questions based on characters of the book of Richard Bach ie: Curious Lives

33 Bless Us Father →

A short prayer as we "undertake to manifest our very Heaven on Earth".

32 The Fray →

For a friend when her cousin got married - a mix of various essays and prayers for partners.

31 ID 2018 →

Imran's message / video of Independance Day 2018

30 Devalaya →

Some random trip on "Devalaya" - the Abode of the Gods

29 Keep Smiling →

Long message to students about "never losing that fire" and making life spectacular.

28 Feeling For Others →

Short appeal to people not to be indifferent to each other's pain.

27 Join Us →

The YM Join Us Video of 2018

26 Intangibles →

Written for Edlusion, my former employer, this talks of the Intangibles in Teaching Frameworks.

25 Particle Physics →

Kinda cryptic love note, this one inspired by "Will and Lyra" in Philip Pullman's Dark Materials

24 Inspired Teaching →

Written for Edlusion, my former employer, this underscores the need for inpired teaching - seeing it as a calling rather than yet another profession.

23 Good Enough →

A plea to everyone strive to be deemed good enough

22 Expectation →

The 3 types of expectation (essay written at Veena's request)

21 Affirmation →

Imran's personal affirmation in 2017

20 Grace →

Another random trip on a day at the hospital

19 Letters Jun2017 →

3 separate essays for 3 people (at the hospital)

18 Linger Near →

Thoughts on death - for the Jim Reeves song

17 Partners →

Puja - Few thoughts on romance and partners, ends with a note to my cousin on her wedding day.

16 Unspoken →

Planned selection of prayers and my own "Harmony" prayer - unspoken at Hussain Day, Bangalore

15 Divine →

128 atributes of the Divine - Mahakala and Mahashakti (Lords of Time)

14 Quality →

A plea not to judge other on religious grounds, but to let a true spirit of harmony reign

13 Sleep Eros →

Fictionalized Romance where it takes a couple a whole year of bonding before igniting the sexual spark.

12 Let There Be Love →

Random trip on love and caring for our fellow human.

11 Valima →

Naazesh - At a cousins wedding - a reading out of Gratitude mixed with a few other thoughts and quotes.

10 Copyfight →

Written in America, a CURATOR imploring Authors to make their more profound works free

9 Church →

Notes for HCLC in Bellevue and read over 2 Sundays - this includes Cliff Rihcard's Sing a Song and Kansas' Wall

8 Writer Tick →

"What makes a writer tick" - All my sources of Inspiration over the years

7 Islam →

Short essay on Islam (not Atheism) as inspired by my own teacher.

6 Love Again →

On the rebound from love and questioning everything.

5 Musings →

Musings Interrupted (thoughts on the way to Pondicherry in 2013 - spiritual pilgrimage)

4 Love Thy Self →

Imploring the reader to love him/herself as I beg myself the same

3 Brittle →

Why do we have to be so brittle with our religions and ideologies? Lets be more tolerant and loving esp towards ourselves.

2 Gratitude →

Written for John's wedding in 2011, this remains my standard wish for any couple and forms a part of other writings like Valima and Fray

1 Love Letter →

REG - Written for a woman I wanted to marry and couldnt because too many notions got in the way.