All my Prose

5 Dreams →

Theres a powerful character Avedoi Merek that brought Peace and Love to Ferra (The Ferret Home World) by changing himself. Having already establised ourselves in love since 1958, perhaps now, its time we (humankind) thought of "Those Good old Dreams". I still dream, standing on the shoulders of giants.

34 Taminders Legacy →

A barrage of questions based on characters of the book of Richard Bach ie: Curious Lives

10 Copyfight →

Written in America, a CURATOR imploring Authors to make their more profound works free

24 Wall of Love →

Here the author ruefully examines the causes for man's failure to be happy viz. bad examples, past hurts, our complexes, our fixation on wealth and power and of course stress. All these trivial pursuits rob us of a rich and contented life. There is still hope for mankind to recover from these maladies of division and dissimilarities and establish a "religion of love" where we can love and live as brothers and sisters.