All my Prose

3 Fantasy →

Wondeing the purpose of fantasy as we expose our children to it all.

2 Robot →

Wondering what a world of AI military robots could do to us - posing them a few rhetoric questions.

1 Lousy →

In anger at the state of oligarchy and of our complaisance.

5 Dreams →

Theres a powerful character Avedoi Merek that brought Peace and Love to Ferra (The Ferret Home World) by changing himself. Having already establised ourselves in love since 1958, perhaps now, its time we (humankind) thought of "Those Good old Dreams". I still dream, standing on the shoulders of giants.

35 Messages 2020 →

Messages on Independance day and 2020 Eid

34 Taminders Legacy →

A barrage of questions based on characters of the book of Richard Bach ie: Curious Lives

33 Bless Us Father →

A short prayer as we "undertake to manifest our very Heaven on Earth".

32 The Fray →

For a friend when her cousin got married - a mix of various essays and prayers for partners.

31 ID 2018 →

Imran's message / video of Independance Day 2018

30 Devalaya →

Some random trip on "Devalaya" - the Abode of the Gods

29 Keep Smiling →

Long message to students about "never losing that fire" and making life spectacular.

28 Feeling For Others →

Short appeal to people not to be indifferent to each other's pain.

27 Join Us →

The YM Join Us Video of 2018

26 Intangibles →

Written for Edlusion, my former employer, this talks of the Intangibles in Teaching Frameworks.

25 Particle Physics →

Kinda cryptic love note, this one inspired by "Will and Lyra" in Philip Pullman's Dark Materials

24 Inspired Teaching →

Written for Edlusion, my former employer, this underscores the need for inpired teaching - seeing it as a calling rather than yet another profession.

23 Good Enough →

A plea to everyone strive to be deemed good enough

22 Expectation →

The 3 types of expectation (essay written at Veena's request)

21 Affirmation →

Imran's personal affirmation in 2017

20 Grace →

Another random trip on a day at the hospital

19 Letters Jun2017 →

3 separate essays for 3 people (at the hospital)

18 Linger Near →

Thoughts on death - for the Jim Reeves song

17 Partners →

Puja - Few thoughts on romance and partners, ends with a note to my cousin on her wedding day.

16 Unspoken →

Planned selection of prayers and my own "Harmony" prayer - unspoken at Hussain Day, Bangalore

15 Divine →

128 atributes of the Divine - Mahakala and Mahashakti (Lords of Time)

14 Quality →

A plea not to judge other on religious grounds, but to let a true spirit of harmony reign

13 Sleep Eros →

Fictionalized Romance where it takes a couple a whole year of bonding before igniting the sexual spark.

12 Let There Be Love →

Random trip on love and caring for our fellow human.

11 Valima →

Naazesh - At a cousins wedding - a reading out of Gratitude mixed with a few other thoughts and quotes.

10 Copyfight →

Written in America, a CURATOR imploring Authors to make their more profound works free

9 Church →

Notes for HCLC in Bellevue and read over 2 Sundays - this includes Cliff Rihcard's Sing a Song and Kansas' Wall

8 Writer Tick →

"What makes a writer tick" - All my sources of Inspiration over the years

7 Islam →

Short essay on Islam (not Atheism) as inspired by my own teacher.

6 Love Again →

On the rebound from love and questioning everything.

5 Musings →

Musings Interrupted (thoughts on the way to Pondicherry in 2013 - spiritual pilgrimage)

4 Love Thy Self →

Imploring the reader to love him/herself as I beg myself the same

3 Brittle →

Why do we have to be so brittle with our religions and ideologies? Lets be more tolerant and loving esp towards ourselves.

2 Gratitude →

Written for John's wedding in 2011, this remains my standard wish for any couple and forms a part of other writings like Valima and Fray

1 Love Letter →

REG - Written for a woman I wanted to marry and couldnt because too many notions got in the way.


25 Implore →

All religions have from time to time produced great men, prophets, saints, seers and mystics whom we have venerated and worshipped. All of them have come with messages for us and these messages all have commonalities and whatever path we choose to take, in the end all paths are not dissimilar and lead us to the same Truth.

24 Wall of Love →

Here the author ruefully examines the causes for man's failure to be happy viz. bad examples, past hurts, our complexes, our fixation on wealth and power and of course stress. All these trivial pursuits rob us of a rich and contented life. There is still hope for mankind to recover from these maladies of division and dissimilarities and establish a "religion of love" where we can love and live as brothers and sisters.

23 Jump with Faith →

Religion is the one area where we clash rather aggressively and furiously with our fellow beings. We are taught to believe that only our faith is right and that all others are wrong or flawed. We are all but swimmers in this vast ocean of spirituality, learning to dive, standing on the diving board, yet reluctant to take the plunge lest our faith and beliefs be ridiculed and condemned. The author implores us to take the plunge and face the future - one which stands for Liberty Brotherhood and Harmony - so let's help create an orchestra out of this battlefield is his plea to mankind.

21 God Again →

Who is God? He is the all loving all-pervading spirit who watches over us and is there in our sad and happy moments. At times we feel abandoned by Him when we really do not understand and accept life with all its ups and downs. In this transient world let's accept and embrace change, let's evolve bearing in mind that his Divine Spark is within each of us in body, mind and spirit.

13 Our Values →

Truth Alone Triumphs

9 A New Age →

Random jottings on a New Age and the thoughts it inspires

7 Harmony →

The author appeals to God to give man the understanding that all paths lead to him. Let man embrace his brethren, accepting his limitations as he has his, and walk together towards a world filled with love and peace with the understanding that all paths lead to the one same God.

6 Charter →

Fictionalized Furure (The YM Charter)

5 Reconciling Quality →

Thoughts on Quality in Religion - rtying to integrate the static (dogman) from the dynamic (individual)

4 Dear Brother →

Fictionalized Furure (The YM Mandate)

3 Reminders to Advance the Soul →

When I first started to expand my thoughts

2 Tripping →

India in 2005