Inspired :: Shedding Inhibitions

From poem #501 - I keep whittling away, trying to improve the craft

517 Dreamers

About the dreamers who would have mankind progress and boldly do it.

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Dear Dreamer Remzi, won't the world rally to your call?
That stifle each other we should no more - no, not at all!
Rather live in boundless joy as our maker would have us.
For to be our brother's keeper, we should delight without fuss.

I know it's scary sometimes the reach of the revolution we'd have,
For to oust every last human pettiness would indeed be as a salve.
For when we are alive to each other's problems we'd be,
Excellent to each other in the time when there's no separate you or me.

This is for all the daring people who would a different dream for humankind,
Chin up my dears, this world will soon be free - free from the grind.
The grind that keeps our noses in the dirt, our wings clipped,
While we torture and torment one another, our true motives stripped.

[Suggested for Removal]

Motives to have peace on Earth seem no more the norm.
Rather, we want everyone caught up in this or other emotional storm.
Wake up and fight, give it your all dear folks there's no time.
Our blood has spilt enough, time to heal and gleefully end this rhyme.

What fight, where? You'd ask and those hyper aware would say - everywhere!
Someone is being subjugated or of their resources stripped bare.
Wake up and rescue quick those souls in pain around you,
For then you'd have become a warrior, resharpening each day your blade anew.

[Added Later]

There's a dearth of dreaming on this fragile pale blue dot,
We fight with each other instead of loving gentleness which ought
Be the norm. Wake up you fellers and become the flame
For in burning for the goodness of all, we earn a good, name.

Dream of a brighter day, no matter the nightmares of the now,
Take a leap of faith and toil incessantly until sweat pours from your brow.
Our dreams can manifest sooner if we exercise our collective resolve,
So fight steadily that the riddle of this world we soon may solve.


516 Beat →

Raggedly thinking again about the bondage to family.


518 A Few Wishes →

Wishes for a dear friend on her birthday.