Robert Redford, 13 Dec 2019 5/18
Nature, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love]. | WORK: infused
All my Poems — [Poems]
Renaissance, 9 Oct 2024 1/18
Spirit, Weave and Wend Our Way. | WORK: inspired
530 Power of Story →
I grew up lost in books. Some authors are timeless and I would like to weave impressions that 6 of them left indelibly on my heart.
Lavanya, 29 Sep 2024 2/18
Spirit, Weave and Wend Our Way. | WORK: inspired
Lekha, 12 Jul 2024 3/18
Spirit, Weave and Wend Our Way. | WORK: inspired
Shobi, 8 Feb 2024 4/18
Birthdays, Weave and Wend Our Way. | WORK: inspired
Gypsy, 14 Oct 2019 6/18
Friends, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love]. | WORK: infused
166 Promise2 →
I wonder if we will see the splendour of friendship forged strong enough to ride the storms of any weather.
Ali, 21 Aug 2019 7/18
Friends, Poetrusic by Chaos. | WORK: infused
Abigail S, 12 Apr 2019 8/18
Friends, Poetrusic by Chaos. | WORK: infused
Louise L Hay, 31 Mar 2019 9/18
Healing, Spontaneous Love. | WORK: infused
98 Louise →
Written together by 8 healers who follow Louise Hay. "I experience the beauty of the universe with love and joy - I set out to win it all with a loud yell of ahoy".
Gypsy, 10 Nov 2018 10/18
Birthdays, Spontaneous Love. | WORK: infused
87 Wonder →
Wonder, for a very special woman. "hear an old clock chime - As it turns midnight with the promise of turning dreams true - Dreams you held on to for a long time, that reach out and touch you".
Simon, 26 Aug 2018 11/18
Imagine, Spontaneous Love. | WORK: infused
Anusha, 26 Aug 2018 12/18
Friends, Spontaneous Love. | WORK: infused
75 Resilience →
Paraphrasing Bryan Adams' Star in this line "Dont give up, dont look back, theres a silver lining, its out there somewhere - We need a shining star to depend on, so shine forth and find the star in there".
Gene Roddenberry, 6 Jun 2018 13/18
Famous People, Spontaneous Love. | WORK: infused
65 Turn That Page →
On Peace! - for Gene Rodenberry, creator of Star Trek - an imaginary future where we have conquered the lower tendencies and lead the Life Divine, beig kid and consisderate to one another.
Self, 11 Apr 2018 14/18
Devotional, Spontaneous Love. | WORK: infused
58 Lord Scamp →
For animals and their power to intervene for us. "A grace from above that warms deep within - And touches to our marrow - a life truly blessed - To live on this Earth and on verdant greens run".
Vasantha, 2 Sep 2017 15/18
Family, Essays to a Swan. | WORK: infused
42 Music →
For my grandmother again - that carnatic vocalist of yester year. "music was in you its what gave your life soul - soul that rang true as a melody in a bowl".
Srividya, 15 Jul 2017 16/18
Romance, Essays to a Swan. | WORK: infused
32 Tether →
Another fun romantic poem. This one sung by a friend while the ink was still drying.
MSA, 12 Mar 2017 17/18
Imagine, Essays to a Swan. | WORK: infused
20 Teeming With Life →
How the world can be if Builders (Change Agents) were all given a chance to "reshape that stream of activity around us until the possibility of greatness is achieved".
God, 23 Dec 2016 18/18
Spirit, Essays to a Swan. | WORK: infused
9 Ebbs and Flows →
A plea to one and all to have enthusiasm in life to "flow through our niggles" and be "full of joy" despite the ups and downs.