Shayesteh, 13 Oct 2019 7/14
Family, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.
Shayesteh, 24 Dec 2017 1/14
Family, Essays to a Swan.
49 Go Back →
I was thinking about my father and how often we'd like to "Go Back" in time, especially when as we grow, we find relationships with loved ones strained.
Shayesteh, 6 Apr 2018 2/14
Family, Spontaneous Love.
55 What Time Remains →
A somber reflection on death. "Precious is each minute and content he - Who fills each one with sixty seconds - Worth of distance run".
Shayesteh, 10 Apr 2019 3/14
Family, Poetrusic by Chaos.
104 Superman →
Wondering if I can ever be as cool as my father. "As time and again I realise he is the best of us - What can I say except papa I'll do my best in life".
Shayesteh, 7 May 2019 4/14
Healing, Poetrusic by Chaos.
Shayesteh, 12 May 2019 5/14
Family, Poetrusic by Chaos.
Shayesteh, 18 Aug 2019 6/14
Family, Poetrusic by Chaos.
Shayesteh, 24 Mar 2020 8/14
Family, Ante Up [and kick in].
201 Bless Me →
Bless me father for i purport to build a field of dreams,i wish to srve with arms wide,so grant me your grace.
Shayesteh, 26 Mar 2020 9/14
Family, Ante Up [and kick in].
206 Someone to watch over me →
"I'm glad you won me over as you stood the test of years... I now let go of my fears and grow up, enriched by my tears"
Shayesteh, 24 Apr 2020 10/14
Family, Ante Up [and kick in].
215 Namazi Senior →
It wasn't till the last four yearsthat i spoke of being broken upon the rocks of life,was when i sensed your strength.
Shayesteh, 7 May 0202 11/14
Family, Ante Up [and kick in].
Shayesteh, 11 Jun 2020 12/14
Family, Ante Up [and kick in].
220 My Papa Never Said →
There's things I never learnt to say or see but papa, I am grateful for all that I got from Thee.
Shayesteh, 20 Jul 2020 13/14
Family, Ante Up [and kick in].
234 Going the distance →
let your dreams hold sway,be prepared to go the distancefor then will life have deep resonance.
Shayesteh, 29 Aug 2020 14/14
Grief, Ante Up [and kick in].
242 Soul2 →
Written on All Soul's Day after a visit to my father's grave. For grieving families everywhere.