Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.
Category: Spirit
God, March 2004 1/21
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.
God, 23 Dec 2016 2/21
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.
9 Ebbs and Flows →
A plea to one and all to have enthusiasm in life to "flow through our niggles" and be "full of joy" despite the ups and downs.
God, 31 Dec 2016 3/21
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.
MSA, 11 Feb 2017 4/21
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.
MSA, 19 Mar 2017 5/21
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.
23 Perfection →
Another poem in the Spirit series, Perfection tells us how life can be when we are inspired - "deep seated in our mind it liberates".
Gary, 25 Mar 2017 6/21
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.
25 A Friendly Nod →
America - On looking back to my time in Bellevue in Nov 2013 and how I was touched by so many people - receiving both positivity and encouragement.
God, 3 Jun 2017 7/21
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.
28 Cycle →
Begins with a mention of the Indian God of Death - Yama, this one talks of the cycles of life and death - each one ending with a rebirth
Tolkien, 6 Aug 2017 8/21
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.
38 Notables →
For Tolkien et alii - a tribute to books, movies and songs - hence the category Medley. "to rediscover the Flame Imperishable - set in the heart of every man able".
MSA, 7 Aug 2017 9/21
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.
39 Striving →
As the poem ends, it makes you ponder "in striving we find we've grown, our hearts widening, - our minds reaching to the far galaxies glimmering".
World, 19 Aug 2018 10/21
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.
74 Promise →
Am slowly getting used to writing with words from other people. "Passion drives us - it's what makes the journey worth the while... Belief in oneself, trusting the outcome - even when we stumble".
Freemasonry, 2 Sep 2018 11/21
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.
Rahul, 12 Dec 2018 12/21
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.
91 Plug Away →
Filled with positivity and an impelling towards action. "The man of purpose never falls from the virility of youth - Builds a life that exemplifies virtue, nixes the uncouth".
God, 30 Mar 2019 13/21
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.
97 Fight →
Live Valiant! "Guess I should, if I could go out and fight - For the victory of Good - fight with all might".
Freemasonry, 10 Apr 2019 14/21
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.
100 Joyland →
With members of Lodge Mt Charity - a very special poem written with some very elevated friends.
Jeremy Clarkson, 11 Mar 2019 15/21
Spirit, Poetrusic by Chaos.
101 Soul →
About the soul in us all - title inspired by the Clarkson book "I know you got soul". = "Our creator asks us only to be mindful of his majesty - Which is without and exceeds the universe so let him be - Chained to us"
Unnamed, 17 Sep 2019 16/21
Spirit, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
God, 2 Nov 2019 17/21
Spirit, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
Gary, 12 Jan 2020 18/21
Spirit, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
MSA, 8 Mar 2020 19/21
Spirit, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
Unnamed, 23 May 2020 20/21
Spirit, Ante Up [and kick in].
222 Haafiz Prays →
Saakhib - Rules abound that bring out the best social order,guided by an inner peace,there's rarely disorder.
God, 28 Dec + 9 Aug 2020 21/21
Spirit, Ante Up [and kick in].