Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.


49 Go Back →

I was thinking about my father and how often we'd like to "Go Back" in time, especially when as we grow, we find relationships with loved ones strained.

55 What Time Remains →

A somber reflection on death. "Precious is each minute and content he - Who fills each one with sixty seconds - Worth of distance run".

104 Superman →

Wondering if I can ever be as cool as my father. "As time and again I realise he is the best of us - What can I say except papa I'll do my best in life".

129 Healers Creed →

To find healing in this world

131 Kiss And Make Up →

Small bit of prose written on my father's last birthday

145 Oh Father →

After losing my father


165 Father →

Heaven knows I try to make you proud of me.

201 Bless Me →

Bless me father for i purport to build a field of dreams,i wish to srve with arms wide,so grant me your grace.

206 Someone to watch over me →

"I'm glad you won me over as you stood the test of years... I now let go of my fears and grow up, enriched by my tears"

215 Namazi Senior →

It wasn't till the last four yearsthat i spoke of being broken upon the rocks of life,was when i sensed your strength.

218 One →

One day I hope to understandwhat it is to be a father and also to take the loss of your near and dear ones and not be devastated.

220 My Papa Never Said →

There's things I never learnt to say or see but papa, I am grateful for all that I got from Thee.

234 Going the distance →

let your dreams hold sway,be prepared to go the distancefor then will life have deep resonance.

242 Soul2 →

Written on All Soul's Day after a visit to my father's grave. For grieving families everywhere.