Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

223 Perfect Again

some friends make life something to look forward to,don't evergo again.

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

Now the world seems perfect again with you to talk to
I never quite got over you not being there beside me
Some friends make life something to look forward to
Don't ever go again and leave me despairing. Can we

Promise to colour each others lives again as once we did
It's sad to see the thread by which my mind hangs onto
Sanity. When the world marches on, it's motives hid
And theres pettiness everywhere, we need to do

Justice to this life. We've one shot at finding perfection
I found it in bits and pieces strewn around all over time
I remember 04, 09, 13, 15 and '19 with deep satisfaction
I remember the lulls in between, pauses in a gay chime

That serve to accentuate the elation we can feel in life
I hope we can all recharge from the springs and streams
And live inspired, in tune with nature and all wildlife
Fighting the good fight, chasing and winning our dreams

I come back now to you, friend, asking to make a start
Do keep in touch now and then. Do give life your all
Remember to do things joyously, give from the heart
If ever you're down, you just have to give me a call


222 Haafiz Prays →

Saakhib - Rules abound that bring out the best social order,guided by an inner peace,there's rarely disorder.


224 Goodness →

You do help people walk boldlywhen they falter,your goodness shines bright 'helping them alter.