Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.


Collection: Spontaneous Love.
loveSpontaneous Love.

51 Boy →

For Bharath's son Tejas as I saw him when he turned a year old. "Strewn with moments sublime - An act of love, scented with caring - For all whom you meet and enliven".

God, 13 Mar 2018 2/50
Imagine, Spontaneous Love.

52 Field of Truth →

For people to explore and embrace their religious identity and "Do not sink to the level of the stereotype - Rather rise higher than the clouds above - Reach heaven, and touch God's face".

Women, 6 Apr 2018 3/50
Music, Spontaneous Love.

53 Dear Lady →

A medley - Dear Lady [Can you hear the wind blow] [Led Zeppelin]. A tribute to the [many] love songs quoted from below.

Women, 6 Apr 2018 4/50
Music, Spontaneous Love.

54 Killing Time →

Another medley (a few love songs). "Hold me in your arms for just another day - I promise this one will go slow - Ah memory, guess you'll have to do"

55 What Time Remains →

A somber reflection on death. "Precious is each minute and content he - Who fills each one with sixty seconds - Worth of distance run".

Vichu, 6 Apr 2018 6/50
Family, Spontaneous Love.

56 Friends Oughtnt Fight →

When I fought with a dear friend and asked "[Is there] No setting aside our cloak of bitterness?- Can you find it in your heart to forgive? - This madness that is my despair confounded".

Sandra, 8 Apr 2018 7/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

57 First Touch →

Based on a weird dream I had... For that passing ship that brought me Sleep Eros.

Self, 11 Apr 2018 8/50
Devotional, Spontaneous Love.

58 Lord Scamp →

For animals and their power to intervene for us. "A grace from above that warms deep within - And touches to our marrow - a life truly blessed - To live on this Earth and on verdant greens run".

59 Teach Us You Did →

For my Teacher - "Love me you did for all of mine upto now - My turn to spread the love I learnt from Thou".

Women, 25 Apr 2018 10/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

60 Teakliness →

For a girl I used to be fond of. "Like two ships passing solemn in the night - What happened to our love that gently faded from sight".

Raji, 16 May 2018 11/50
Birthdays, Spontaneous Love.

61 The Bhaktas →

For a friend's mother, on her birthday. A lady with unshakeable faith (Bhakta).

Women, 2 Jun 2018 12/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

62 In My Life →

For the Beatles Song "In My Life" and a short reflection on an early love of mine. "in love for the first time - A woman to ride beside in any sort of clime - Who looked at me to the depths of my very soul".

63 No More Cloudy Days →

For a friend from days past. Romanticized version "My inmost mind only you can read - As I find a joy that you can relight".

Vichu, 6 Jun 2018 14/50
Family, Spontaneous Love.

64 Angels →

On the strain in relationships. "Why do we lose so consistently - When there's angels among us - Seems everything weve ever known is here - I never wanted it to die". That last bit from GnR

65 Turn That Page →

On Peace! - for Gene Rodenberry, creator of Star Trek - an imaginary future where we have conquered the lower tendencies and lead the Life Divine, beig kid and consisderate to one another.

Tracey, 23 Jun 2018 16/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

66 Well →

A well of love - "What of thou and I? where on Earth shall we begin? - To continue some connect, discover love amidst the din".

Vichu, 24 Jun 2018 17/50
Family, Spontaneous Love.

67 All My Loving →

Begins by addressing Tracey, a future love, but becomes an address for this friend I fell out with.

God, 30 Jun 2018 18/50
Devotional, Spontaneous Love.

68 Babble →

Rather Disjointed... Like the title says, its babble. If you ask, I can explain all the references. "A void thats no void at all but throbs in wonder - Creation, all of it - such cosmological splendour".

Srividya, 14 Jul 2018 19/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

69 When To Dream →

This ones awkward. I gotta stop writing romance for people I know!

Naz, 14 Jul 2018 20/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

70 Fudge →

Too much romance for one night. But the flow is coming better. Wait till you reach 2020 :)

God, 20 Jul 2018 21/50
Devotional, Spontaneous Love.

71 Cosmic Shiva →

For the Indian Trinity - shivA, vishnU, Maheshwara (AUM). "To love our neighbours and set all lower tendencies aside - Burn our ignorance with the awakening of the Guru inside".

World, 20 Jul 2018 22/50
Criminals, Spontaneous Love.

72 Miscreants →

On Rape (not the excessively brutal kind). After we are done judging each other, gouging the others eye out and breaking their spirit, there I stand, waiting with loving arms to embrace all of humanity. As Rumi said... Beyond the rightness and wrongness of things...

73 Us not Them →

Me telling the tale of a couple - "Rebirth they found together, a baptism in holy rivers - Fair they made this world showing God's work amidst the diverse".

World, 19 Aug 2018 24/50
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.

74 Promise →

Am slowly getting used to writing with words from other people. "Passion drives us - it's what makes the journey worth the while... Belief in oneself, trusting the outcome - even when we stumble".

Anusha, 26 Aug 2018 25/50
Friends, Spontaneous Love.

75 Resilience →

Paraphrasing Bryan Adams' Star in this line "Dont give up, dont look back, theres a silver lining, its out there somewhere - We need a shining star to depend on, so shine forth and find the star in there".


Simon, 26 Aug 2018 26/50
Imagine, Spontaneous Love.

76 2018 →

2018 and it's 5 preceding years - for Sahlan, Imran, Biraja & Simon

77 Sculpting →

Jointly on Brotherly Love

Sandra, 15 Sep 2018 28/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

78 Joy →

Too bad it was all imaginary. "And in that winter, beside a warm ember - That hearth of ours where we make love - Meld our bodies till all our worries dissolve".

Sandra, 30 Sep 2018 29/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

79 Starburst →

"Heart to heart, body to body. A torch - To bear testament to the love we share - In all the seasons with us without a care".

Nessa, 8 Oct 2018 30/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

80 Taken →

Romance, too much time on my hands late at night. "still they wanted to be - Finding a bliss like grace from our maker above".

81 NARMI →

Imran (written backwards). "Queer his friends regarded him - a nutcase but good hearted - Who dreamt to change the world lest his dreams be thwarted".

Women, 19 Oct 2018 32/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

82 Sadness →

Fiction, for a couple in love. "A surety that his love would stay on target, unerring as a dart - As close as two friends could get, there from the very start".

Simon, 26 Oct 2018 33/50
Imagine, Spontaneous Love.

83 Love Our Nature →

For Simon of, a poem on unity. "I saw the world as one one night - No more wars, no waking in fright - Long and hard we had dreamed - Wake up and unite, we screamed".

Women, 5 Nov 2018 34/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

84 Woman →

Woman of yester dreams. "And how that love runs true in every fibre of our being - A being that echoes the fragrance of the cosmic scene".

85 Beaten →

A different perspective on domestic abuse. "I saw the boy behind the monster crying out desperate - To be held in someone's regard, again by life to be tested".

86 Light2 →

About the indian festival of light - Diwali from the epic the Ramayana. In the end, I mention Tolkien and his own epic, oft read and deeply moving.

Gypsy, 10 Nov 2018 37/50
Birthdays, Spontaneous Love.

87 Wonder →

Wonder, for a very special woman. "hear an old clock chime - As it turns midnight with the promise of turning dreams true - Dreams you held on to for a long time, that reach out and touch you".

Tarun, 30 Nov 2018 38/50
Friends, Spontaneous Love.

88 Tarun →

For a friend. "Watch as yon fledgeling finds some heaven in the sky - Straps to pull us up when life boots us in the backside".

89 Time travelling →

Jointly, Outside Auroville. "Come back and let's build that tomorrow - A vision so fierce as to fill our marrow - Remember our true path as once we were led - Blood sweat and tears, so easily shed".

Reuben, 11 Dec 2018 40/50
Imagine, Spontaneous Love.

90 Wake Up →

Jointly, Sons of God - wake up and life the Life Divine. "Why does none fight for the very principle of right - Sons of God wake up, live the good life and in might".

Rahul, 12 Dec 2018 41/50
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.

91 Plug Away →

Filled with positivity and an impelling towards action. "The man of purpose never falls from the virility of youth - Builds a life that exemplifies virtue, nixes the uncouth".

Nessa, 13 Dec 2018 42/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

92 Nymphs and Angels →

So much romance, so little remains... "Caricatures of nymphs and angels you bring to my mind - Making my inmost fantasy of you in every shape and kind".

Gypsy, 26 Feb 2019 43/50
Devotional, Spontaneous Love.

93 Still Loving You →

About Agape (The Love for all that Consumes). "Things desired for all creatures great and small - That reflect the spirit of the God who made them all"

94 Wie Lieben Dich →

On finding a higher purpose than war. "We've always killed the very best of humanity... Where men gather together to teach Love's gospel - Come let's unite now, cast together our own spell"

Nessa, 20 Mar 2019 45/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

95 Captured Heart →

Think again Imran! "Methinks we're destined to be utterly entwined - A love that engulfs us both, holding us enshrined".

Gypsy, 28 Mar 2019 46/50
Devotional, Spontaneous Love.

96 Woven →

About Agape again. Love for all of creation. "Father, lover, friend, teacher daily your face changes - As we find new expressions to simply love in all hues".

God, 30 Mar 2019 47/50
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.

97 Fight →

Live Valiant! "Guess I should, if I could go out and fight - For the victory of Good - fight with all might".

98 Louise →

Written together by 8 healers who follow Louise Hay. "I experience the beauty of the universe with love and joy - I set out to win it all with a loud yell of ahoy".

Nessa, 6 Apr 2019 49/50
Romance, Spontaneous Love.

99 Tonight →

Inspired by the Kenny Roger's song We've got tonight. "Lend your love to me tonight for love we want to share - Make every minute count as into your eyes I stare".

100 Joyland →

With members of Lodge Mt Charity - a very special poem written with some very elevated friends.