Dhala Sr - Written from the viewpoint of the dear departed, comforting us that death was just a passing. "Know life as wondrous, full of it's ups and downs - Be inspired to live in the memory of loved ones - Our Maker you will join one day, so try and find - Your rhythm in this life - just quieten the mind"
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A poem that begs us to brood not in the past (when we were in love). "I know its not easy but on letting go, we're choosing life - And not dwelling unnecessarily on highs from our past - Letting go is healing, the past cut away as by a knife - Instead we focus on the now and build a future to last"
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A poem for my co-founder Sundaram and the company we hope to build
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For 3 friends who are all finding themselves in difficult / estranged relationsships
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On the occasion of my friend John's birthday
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A loud rallying call to establish peace, dedicated to my pastor Gary
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Requesting the Lord to command us to be good and amicable to one another.
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On the occasion of my friend Reggie's wedding
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For the Mother Foundation and how Mother Earth would want us to be.
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In gratitude for Teachers, with the hope that ill make a good one some day.
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On the occasion of my friend Melissa's birthday.
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About a man whose spent and feeling a little careworn.
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For a dear friend on the occasion of his book launch.
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About how a poet can listen, evoke feelings and help cure the maladies of the world.
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Underscores the need for warming to each other's troubles and dissolving boundaries. Dedicated to the Father of the Indian Nation.
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About a kid who wants to be a teacher and joins the fray - the fray to yieldmore.
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A prayer for the power to go out and do good in this world.
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If evolving is a struggle, this poem sees me coming to terms with my part as an observer, not a doer. The vanguard or fountainhead of human progress.
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On how a brighter future is possible if we let breathe the sensitive side inside us.
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A mashup poem on the joy we can all face as I write snippets on different friend's walls.
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For a friend who was feeling low, in the hope that he will cause a change in the trend.
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Written as I painfully miss my dad and want to have him back so we can both "serve humanity" as we individually strove to do so.
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Wriiten when a matriarch was called to Eden above and how her Umbrella continues to protect her family.
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When losing a parent, we hit a new low and our feelings get all jammed up. How will this raw grief bring about a catharsis for us?
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all it asks is our poise total and absoluteamidst the uproar and the noise.
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Father come back and kiss me gently and put your arms around me.
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Imploring us to fashion things with our own hands and be filled with passion - for that is when spirit arises in matter.
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Like the masters say - we should FREE ourselves from all LIMITATIONS and SOAR ON HIGH in SERVICE to the DIVINE.
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If life is a test, we need to up the ante and SOMEHOW learn to lead a FULL LIFE, letting the past go and fighting to get into gear.
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A painful reminder as to how many lives we are losing in this pandemic and how we feel each death so poignantly. Ends with a word of comfort to those in the line of fire.
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For a dear friend upong the loss of his uncle... Triggered a powerful emotion and thought for all the people we love and the longing to be reunited with them.
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For an aunt who has few rivals when it comes to devotion and poise. And how I want her to inspire my students to live in God's Peace and Love.
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For a young girl Stuti who is fond of nature
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