Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.
165 Father
Heaven knows I try to make you proud of me.
Rhyme Scheme: AlternateFather, 13th Oct, Imran
There's nothing for me to do except live upto your shoes
Shoes you wore almighty well, in good weather and bad
Tell me the secret how you smiled amidst all your woes
Tell me fast, uplift me from my state of absolutely sad
Or has the sadness abated with the thought of your smile
Seems your warmth shines on us loved ones from above
Have 3 months really passed? What did I do all this while
I wonder what you thought when I spoke of being in love
I have eternity to ponder what went on in your mind
As every other moment a fragment of you comes back
And I think of you, so dearly loved for being ever so kind
So bend down gently and give me a resounding smack
For failing to smile and not daring to win the kingdom
As you did so certainly, a little more each passing day
As you discovered a little more of your innate wisdom
Do help me from above, it seems often I lose my way
I have highs to relieve the occasional mind zapping lows
Heaven knows I try and make you proud of me your son
Storms come and go, and your memory so softly blows
Maybe I'll find I've succeeded too when my race is run
Women, 28 Sep 2019
Devotional, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
Gypsy, 14 Oct 2019
Friends, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
166 Promise2 →
I wonder if we will see the splendour of friendship forged strong enough to ride the storms of any weather.