Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.168 Yesterday
I hate to have to bid adieu
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveYesterday, 28th October, For N
You were the dawn breaking the night
Why oh why did we ever have to fight
I miss you loads, baby think of my plight
everything is bleak - without you no light
It can be different, my arms ache to hold you
Have me back and our worst will be through
What love we shared, were our days so few
I'd love to be with you and then the world view
A new world with you the center of my universe
I'm spent, no longer is there any joy in my verse
I trudge on waiting for you to turn towards
Me, let's build more together like weaverbirds
Some days I really look back as what we had longingly
And wonder, was that all that was ever meant to be
It gets lonely and I wonder why you didst leave me
Can't you understand it's your tender face I want to see
I guess I'm shut out now for all the pain I caused you
Or maybe you just need space to think things through
Whatever the reason I'd hate to have to bid adieu
I'd much rather be found elatedly making love to you
God, 26 Sep 2019
French, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
Sandra, 30 Oct 2019
Romance, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].