Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

113 Truth Beauty

For my friend and founder of the Build India Group

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Truth Beauty, Imran, 12th Apr 2019

Beauty is Truth, Truth Beaty, yea that's all we'll ever know
As from day to day we watch our glades and forests grow
Where from comes this tide that lifts with enchantment
Swells our ranks as we live in this beautiful tenement

Truth alone triumphs, a cry from India in the forties
As lovingly we joined the march of human cities
500 cities must now come together for the environment
To make sure we don't do things to Earth's defilement

Cleanse the air and water and soil as Bhagvan needs
Do it in droves, inspire humanity with our deeds
Bhoomi, Gagan, Vayu, Agni, Neer we in Sanskrit say
Earth, Ether, Air, Fire, Water over which we hold sway

So lets remember to Love Our Nature as dearly as we can
Made resplendent in her Earthly abode, protected by man
Who should think of good deeds for lovingly she wrought
Our habitation in the billows of the cosmic sea, we ought

To pay homage to this Queen of Creation who houses us
Makes our lives worth living as crickets make a fuss
And kick up some noise to make us remember
Our mother whose spirit stays fiery in an ember


112 Fight2 →

Another poem on Societal Liberation (Imagine)


114 Energy Healing →

Written with 2 teachers and 2 students at a healing workshop