Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.
47 To Hold
Wedding Vows (as to be expected - there wasnt even a girl on the horizon when I wrote this :p)
Rhyme Scheme: ProseI take thee to be my prime mover, to have and to hold, sharing joys and sorrows, oscillating, as we find that life thats illuminating
Steadfast in our love and in a quest to have in life only the best of our dreams as we fill our cup to fill and overflow
To find the hidden treasures Shiva and Shakti left for us to find and us to conjugate that love in all tenses and parts of speech
To begin the siege of Angband untill every thrall is liberated, daily putting ourselves in harms way as we seek a nobler life for mankind
To be party to the liberation of souls everywhere as we first discover it for ourselves and raise children of the Kingdom
To continue and strengthen that bond that takes lifetimes to truly intertwine and take firm hold of our lives
To procreate and produce more sparks of that divine light, born in an ever sweetening world and who colour it with their individual expression
To raise them as did once Ruby Jean and Billie Lee, truly a gift of wings, the gossamer wings of which dreams are made.
Love only grows with time. So come fast and lets grow wise in the ways of the earth, stretching time to infinity until the music shall be played aright.
Tracey, 3 Nov 2017
Romance, Essays to a Swan.
46 For AFT →
9 things I learned by loving 9 different women :). Written with a hope to leave the past in the past and look to the future...
God, 18 Dec 2017
French, Essays to a Swan.
48 Nos Animaux →
A poem in French about the animals and animal characters in my (younger) life.