Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

235 Time

Touch and tasteeach feeling and I promise you'll find that life is worth living.

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

235 Time - 31 Jul 2020 - For Vichu

Time is precious, yet why do we waste a lot of it
Wasted on the way of our becoming who we are
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may... but find grit
Cause at the end of it, we want to shine like a star

Don't find one day that ten years have gone behind
Savour each moment for all you feel is all there is
Touch and taste each feeling and I promise you'll find
That life is worth living... In surrender is total bliss

Wake at break of day, lift your heart and to Him say
I'll give my best Lord, accept my toil and grant me
Respite. A 100 challenges... but confidence each day
To improve my condition and those around who see

The silver linings amidst life's uncaring stretches
Where the emotions leave our hearts bursting
With waves of peace and tranquillity that fetches
Us happy moments - treasured above everything

Sobering thoughts for loved ones gone from our midst
We trust you care for them until their soul takes birth
We attract them back into our lives, love them to bits...
Love is forever so after sorrows pass we again find mirth


234 Going the distance →

let your dreams hold sway,be prepared to go the distancefor then will life have deep resonance.


236 My Love →

Going down memory lane I recall my happy moments with my loved one,and knowing now that she will not come back,move on and not despair.