Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.
204 The power is yours
With Abigail S
Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive204, The power is yours, 24th March 2020, with Abigail
We must go inwards, into our soul
Forsake the fleeting and bitterly cold
Protect others and let our energy shine
Feel warm and good - so utterly fine
With our manifold powers that truly combine,
We can help all of those who are on the line
Help is near, saith those with the healing touch
Have the courage to ask others to be your support crutch
Love springs from a deep well inside of me
To rain over all of the hearts of the Sea
I feel tender loving care for every last of Earth's creatures
Let us all join together and be the world's teachers
So shall it be done, let's build a life of plenty
We place the seeds of our souls and hearts gently.
Our mission has only begun, come join us as we walk
The sands of time pass swiftly, do try and beat the clock!
The time is now and now is the time
So build swiftly, a loving life sublime
Do not fret, the moment is prime
For all we have now is this lifetime
Abigail S, 17 Mar 2020
Friends, Ante Up [and kick in].
203 Gizmo →
I cry now when I think of those fifteen years, how you showed how deeply you cared.
Tracey, 25 Mar 2020
Romance, Ante Up [and kick in].
205 Let go →
I feel tender loving care for every last of earth creatureslet us all join togetherand be the world's teachers.