Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

243 The Conjurer

For a friend, now turned healer - "I say join her even if your body and will are broken, with healing hands necessary to make you whole - she'll strive non stop"

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

243 The Conjurer - 3 Sep 2020 - for Melissa

Today I found a dear, long lost friend all excited
About a vision she had to help people to heal
It begins with showing people to be delighted
Using aroma - her mother named it Vidzeal

I've watched her develop her talents until now
She can intuit a body's lows and utmost needs
And conjure a mix that makes one simply glow
A new peace and joy overtakes like magic seeds

Planted in a garden where the soul can breathe
And feel one with the universe, simply be elated
She applies her intuition like Katana unsheathed
And heals many an ailment, long since deflated

Who will help this young ambitious girl grow
Into a passionate businesswoman who will give
Much of her soulstuff to offset a body's low
And help her team of women heal and thrive

I say join her even if your body and will are broken
With healing hands necessary to make you whole
She'll strive non stop - waken your dreams unspoken
Then let your song bird fly up to find your joyful soul


242 Soul2 →

Written on All Soul's Day after a visit to my father's grave. For grieving families everywhere.


244 Strength →

Written for a friend whose mother is suffering with cancer.