Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

139 Thanksgiving

Thanking my father for being my beacon of hope and source of refuge

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

Thanksgiving Day, 3rd June

I thank you Father for being my beacon of hope and source of refuge.
For indulging my every desire and giving me a positive outlook on life.
For giving me some ability and the strong desire to put them to common use.
For friends who patiently encourage as I try to make sense of the human equation.

For a contemplative nature and a keen sense of the profound.
For an eloquent tongue and a genuine interest in people.
For an unwavering faith in your providence.
For a soft side and a sensitive heart.

For the ability to see such inspiration all around.
For the artist's touch and the builder's vision.
For the protection from clutter and negativity.
For a deep love of nature and wonder at creation.

For a stirring in the heart at exposure to the elements.
For the opportunity to inspire children.
For a chance to hear and hug someone.
For wanting to be a good son and the longing to start a family someday.

For a chance to live in glee like the frolicsome breeze.
For being enriched by the wonderful universe of books, movies and songs.
For seeing Angels everywhere and your hand in everything.
For prana and a peaceful heart and a smile.


138 Vichu →

Hope time heals


140 Inspire2 →

Ah, to be in love again!