Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

2 Thank You

Inspired to write again after 3 years, this one simply shows gratitude to the Lord for things we behold.

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

Thank you O Heavenly Father for all that you have given us viz:
Parents, siblings, aunts and uncles,
Cousins and friends, nephews and nieces,
Teachers, mentors, wellwishers and guides,
Partners in whose arms we melt in an outpouring of love,
Children with their sweet innocence and spirit,

The sun with its light and heat,
Cool breeze, rain and thunderclouds,
Rivers with their briskness and lakes with their calm,
Waterfalls with their endless dance in air,
Seas and oceans with their quiet melody,

Cities and citadels, towns and hamlets,
Roads and paths myriad with travellers,
Glades and forests in heavenly green,
Homes and their makers ensconced in toil,

Ants and bears and wolves and owls,
Snails and whales and lithesome ferrets,
Giraffe and butterflies and earwigs aplenty
Dewdrops upon spider webs and the chirping of Robins

And sprites and elves and gnomes,
Faeries and angels and solemn little dwarves,
Deities to delight at our every little deed,
That timeless action of Yoga that fulfils your Divine Plan


1 Amore →

An early poem and a wakeup for us all to see the beauty in life, overcome worry and live infused with love.


3 Sara →

Thought of in November, I wrote this to 4 women I loved greatly as if as one.