Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

45 Stormy

Dedicated to Richard Bach, ispired by his character Stormy, who with her partner Strobe work to teach children by "Open[ing] their hearts to the glee of boundless flight - Supporting them so dearly with all of our might"

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Stubborn you are to fate's every nudge *1
But strive those angels shall for they shant budge
Or flinch from the task of bringing us together
Oh wonderful love to have in any kind of weather

What shall we do to ground these children
Teaching them what it is to be a global citizen
Open their hearts to the glee of boundless flight
Supporting them so dearly with all of our might

Richard came to show us the way from within
What more fearless bird than that one in a million
Shall we give him the epithet of lion hearted
Living his way lest our dreams be thwarted

Why worry about food when we can take flight
Dance in the sky amidst clouds on a starlit night
Pushing ourselves to wrest the most and live
Win the sun with its splendour; find a way to give

forward all the learnings we gleaned by following
With all our hearts the myriad paths that sing
Out to us to follow their mellifluous ways
Oh life, that leaves us in such a wondrous daze

*1 Stormy, character by Richard Bach.


44 Fate →

Lost in time... "a love that engulfed us - through storm and rain that love animated me and was - a bulwark against the harsh world, cozy and secure".


46 For AFT →

9 things I learned by loving 9 different women :). Written with a hope to leave the past in the past and look to the future...