Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

206 Someone to watch over me

"I'm glad you won me over as you stood the test of years... I now let go of my fears and grow up, enriched by my tears"

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

I think now, of my father, some 9 months departed
As "watching over me", lest my dreams be thwarted
Papa, do you really know what I dreamed of every night
That I could help others see the world in joyous light

I think we understood each other better than it seemed
Though our egos kept jousting, in spite of all we dreamed
Our dreams were quite simple, a desire to toil for good
Good of family and all, though I often misunderstood

If only I thought of you the way I've started seeing myself
As a dreamer with a thirst for finding his inner Elf
By Elf I mean the best we can become if we stay true
True to our purpose, helping people shake away the blue

I've said somewhere your smile will ever haunt me
As I ask myself am I as yet the best Imran I can be
Sadly far from it, for I fail every challenge and test
Give me strength to find my inner space, be my best

You've been patient with this fool who misses so easily
He's loved by all, who like to watch him sing merrily
I'm glad you won me over as you stood the test of years
I now let go of my fears and grow up, enriched by my tears


205 Let go →

I feel tender loving care for every last of earth creatureslet us all join togetherand be the world's teachers.


207 Connected →

So verdant they are that my heart is set a tingling... I feel a love emanating for all of God's creation... The night sky and silvery moon sets me singing... With the smell of Earth and Nature, I feel an elation...