Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.
178 Mountains
On International Mountain Day. A quick reference to Tolkien too.
Rhyme Scheme: Partly AlternateInternationalMountainDay #PoemsThatLongWistfully #PoemsThatIgnite
How I would love to leave the city, dwell upon a mountain The mountains that beckoned to Niggle whilst he designed Eden To pass beyond is all I seek, so let's live like Jeremiah Johnson Perhaps in Europe, I'll visit Helagsfjallet in faraway Sweden
Or Mt Godwin Austen in India. On an eve with gentle snowfall I'll mayhap trek the Pacific Trail and pass by Mt St Helens Where once I cartwheeled in ecstacy, threw my first snowball! How much longer will we despoil this Earth, must we be dense
And deaf to nature's call, deaf to hear the honk of a snowgoose As she flaps her wings near a seashore in Wickaeldroth, England Deaf to the cry of Babe Piglet as his footing he does loose In panic to climb a hillside and find his family so grand
Join us as we start an #EcoDrive, build a veritable ship Let's espouse the cause of Mother Nature, use some sense! What worthier joy that that of accepting our Stewardship and making this Ark to help us past our troubled adolescence
Why do we squander our capacities to love and give We squabble and have such horrible nightmares, come on man lets dream and walk together instead... lets forgive... Walk as sunset falls, up the gentle slope of a Mountain
God, 5 Dec 2019
Devotional, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
Rubeena, 16 Dec 2019
Devotional, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].