Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.



Simon, 26 Aug 2018 1/7
Imagine, Spontaneous Love.

76 2018 →

2018 and it's 5 preceding years - for Sahlan, Imran, Biraja & Simon

Simon, 26 Oct 2018 2/7
Imagine, Spontaneous Love.

83 Love Our Nature →

For Simon of, a poem on unity. "I saw the world as one one night - No more wars, no waking in fright - Long and hard we had dreamed - Wake up and unite, we screamed".

111 Enough →

First (planned) poem of the Imagine Series

112 Fight2 →

Another poem on Societal Liberation (Imagine)

126 Planetary Healing →

Another poem in the Imagine series

127 Humanity →

On building a peaceful world as we find our “humanity”

134 Fresh Air →

Another poem from the Imagine series