Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.


MSA, 11 Feb 2017 1/8
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.

19 Love →

An earnest plea to love one another "for it is only when we express love that we become closer to our true self".

MSA, 12 Mar 2017 2/8
Imagine, Essays to a Swan.

20 Teeming With Life →

How the world can be if Builders (Change Agents) were all given a chance to "reshape that stream of activity around us until the possibility of greatness is achieved".

MSA, 19 Mar 2017 3/8
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.

23 Perfection →

Another poem in the Spirit series, Perfection tells us how life can be when we are inspired - "deep seated in our mind it liberates".

MSA, 7 Aug 2017 4/8
Spirit, Essays to a Swan.

39 Striving →

As the poem ends, it makes you ponder "in striving we find we've grown, our hearts widening, - our minds reaching to the far galaxies glimmering".

43 Toi →

For my teachers Sri Aurobindo and Mirra Alfassa, written at their ashram in Pondicherry. "We seem on the brink - of total annihilation our pilot extinguished with no time to pause and think - to follow our highest right as dictated by that voice from within".

89 Time travelling →

Jointly, Outside Auroville. "Come back and let's build that tomorrow - A vision so fierce as to fill our marrow - Remember our true path as once we were led - Blood sweat and tears, so easily shed".

189 Dawn →

On this pristine world your blessings send,O lord

199 Warriors →

Wake up and live ecstatic, Life can be fantastic.