Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.


Category: Famous People
Famous People


22 Dauntless →

For Bethany Nikka Ferret, character in Curious Lives, a bold, young and dashing adventurer - captain of the sea rescue boat - Resolute.

43 Toi →

For my teachers Sri Aurobindo and Mirra Alfassa, written at their ashram in Pondicherry. "We seem on the brink - of total annihilation our pilot extinguished with no time to pause and think - to follow our highest right as dictated by that voice from within".

45 Stormy →

Dedicated to Richard Bach, ispired by his character Stormy, who with her partner Strobe work to teach children by "Open[ing] their hearts to the glee of boundless flight - Supporting them so dearly with all of our might"

65 Turn That Page →

On Peace! - for Gene Rodenberry, creator of Star Trek - an imaginary future where we have conquered the lower tendencies and lead the Life Divine, beig kid and consisderate to one another.

89 Time travelling →

Jointly, Outside Auroville. "Come back and let's build that tomorrow - A vision so fierce as to fill our marrow - Remember our true path as once we were led - Blood sweat and tears, so easily shed".

94 Wie Lieben Dich →

On finding a higher purpose than war. "We've always killed the very best of humanity... Where men gather together to teach Love's gospel - Come let's unite now, cast together our own spell"

189 Dawn →

On this pristine world your blessings send,O lord


247 Niggle →

Inspired by a Tolkien story about a painter Niggle and how his art transformed the afterlife