Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.
188 Hills
I constantly think of you,my pulse begins to race.
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveHills - 24th Jan 2020, for F
I see far into the future, the 2 of us walking into the sunset
The road goes on, the rain comes, making it all very wet
The sun comes up and we walk on, between two hills
Oh baby, you know you give me spine tingling thrills
How I hunger to forever have you at my side
I know you hunger for me, open your arms wide
I feel a glimpse of heaven when I see your face
With your lips on mine, my pulse begins to race
So many years have passed and I still stand rapt
Enmeshed in your love, my train of thoughts so apt
I hunger for you, come make your home beside me
Lets make splendid love, as I stroke your cheek gently
And wonder at the love that emanates from you
My heart feels warm and tingly, our days not few
Rather they stretch into a far distant eternity
When I wonder will you, my love come back to me
Short were our days and pleasant was our embrace
I constantly think of you, my pulse begins to race
I hope I'm never cured of this malady that strikes me
Loving you every minute, until the end of eternity
Gary, 12 Jan 2020
Spirit, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
MSA, 1 Feb 2020
Famous People, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].