Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

156 Anger

On anger

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Anger, Imran 8th + 10th Sep

Anger comes to rob us of good times, it robs twice
What we'd give to go back and roll a different pair of dice
It mars the moment in which we transgress as we feel it
And it mars the moments we regret, thinking back to it

Its especially hard on the friends who're both troubled
When each have their ego, and frustrations abound
I've lost many people I've cared for so very deeply
Wondering the very next day why they cant forgive me

Most times our biggest enemy is our very own tongue
It should be told to quieten swiftly, be especially dumb
I've two friends I'd give an immense lot to have back again
One took a frying pan to me, the other does complain

That I'm not doing justice to life for I am so scattered
I think not of my own self, for it's not what matters
Now I think I see why they both have still not forgiven
They both want my best - for me to this world enliven

I'm caught in life's drama with courage none to speak of
I try but fail to find eternity which goes out in a puff
I'll try harder tomorrow to find the courage I lack
If only you'll whisper to me, amigo - to you I'm back


155 Waves →

Choosing between lover and my paper children


157 Return →

Not returned, return (to me)