Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.96 Woven
About Agape again. Love for all of creation. "Father, lover, friend, teacher daily your face changes - As we find new expressions to simply love in all hues".
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveWoven is our twin lives without doubt
Until as one those lives reach out
And touch infinity holding it tight
In our grasp, as one we behold the light
Serving it till eternity until our purposes are met
Together we frolic in this play into which we crept
Unto one another we're bound to distil the essence
Of the human equation with its myriad fragrance
Father, lover, friend, teacher daily your face changes
As we find new expressions to simply love in all hues
Love everyone within and without our collectives
As we push the bounds, ever finding new directives
And ways in which to multiply the love we share
For one another, invigorating as mountain air
Love the poor, the rich, the spent, the mediocre
Make it the only covenant worth LIVING for
Find new ways to love, always be creative
Be caring and doting, in all ways supportive
Remember the past and let your love emanate
As on this frail planet you find its LOVE you create
Nessa, 20 Mar 2019
Romance, Spontaneous Love.
95 Captured Heart →
Think again Imran! "Methinks we're destined to be utterly entwined - A love that engulfs us both, holding us enshrined".
God, 30 Mar 2019
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.
97 Fight →
Live Valiant! "Guess I should, if I could go out and fight - For the victory of Good - fight with all might".