Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

26 Wistfulness

Introducing Tracey (future imagined lover) - a character from Wilbur Smith's Diamond Hunters.

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

"How I'd love to hear the choir
In the chapel in the moonlight" *1
Where we may meet and kindle fire
And joy to fill our hearts with delight

Juliet! Juliet! wherefore art thou
A companion new-born amidst timelessness
To sit atop branch and bough
And mark time with tender wistfulness

That you may appear to save me from despair
A kindred spirit to hold oh so close
In your loving arms i would declare
That your fragrance methought a rose

What will we do to fulfil this lifetime
Weve spent searching for the other
In woods mayhap a glimpse sublime
In dreams I'll see you till forever

Oh my what this, o life
Come now and appear my dear
Weave spells to quell our strife
All lifes trials we shall endure

*1 - Dean Martin


25 A Friendly Nod →

America - On looking back to my time in Bellevue in Nov 2013 and how I was touched by so many people - receiving both positivity and encouragement.


27 Touched →

One more of those devotional poems that talks of life, with "experiences so engraved in our minds - emotions that linger in all shapes and kinds".