Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

116 Thirsty

The romance continues

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

Thirsty, Imran, 26th Apr 2019. For N

You I'll love forever
Thirsty to be beside
I'll learn to be clever
I'll live at your side

And write you poems
That tell of my love
Fill you with dreams
Row us to a cozy cove

I know much I will learn
From the love you evoke
A love I hope to soon earn
Say forever else I'll choke

For with you I'd always be
Else despairingly saddened
Come make love to me
Make my spirits heightened

How does end this tale
Will we have children
Will we our parents fail
Or enliven a world so grim


115 Flamingoes →

About 4 women in my (recent) life.


117 You →

The romance continues