Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

77 Sculpting

Jointly on Brotherly Love

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

Brotherly love is the highest love we can attain
Happiness and joy it gives - a joy sublime
Heart is all we have to give, so love freely my brethren
Spirit in matter - a gift from above to lift us in any clime

Persistence and dedication to bring through all our trials
Truth and peace and love to amplify our creator's breath of fire
Faith and trust we have in God's plan with all its details
Lust we do for higher rewards that come from finding beauty amidst the mire

Poor and distressed are those who need for us to give of our best
Plumb and Level our guides as we this world consecrate
Honest interaction forms the hallmark of success
Stick it out in thick and in thin, a relationship that us doth liberate

Strength and courage we need as this life's trials we run
Bonding into one solid wall of love, for that our truest aim
Like minded we are for in our subconscious we came from one
We are overflowing with the wine of the ages and we are game

Prudence and fortitude we have in plenty in which to sculpt
A better person as this life can only make of us if we try
Affection, gratititude and hope as we discover the occult
As artisans on this pale blue dot we give a loud war cry



76 2018 →

2018 and it's 5 preceding years - for Sahlan, Imran, Biraja & Simon


78 Joy →

Too bad it was all imaginary. "And in that winter, beside a warm ember - That hearth of ours where we make love - Meld our bodies till all our worries dissolve".