Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.170 Roll
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveRoll, for You, 31 Oct
I wonder what a roll of dice will do for us today
Where the thought of an embrace holds sway
Weatherbeaten we are as we think to love anew
Will this lead anywhere, challenge all we knew
About the seeming pointlessness of it all
Will we find instead a love strong and tall
Slow and steady a voice cautioned from the past
Here might be a friendship, one that's made to last
Between two who design physical and cyber spaces
One even has a defunct company called AuroSpaces
When will he figure out what it's meant to do
He must first know what to do with the other two
Was it the hand of fate that seems to fit just like a glove
Or will we become merely good friends, no talk of love
Either way we have got enough time to figure out
What we mean to each other, what life is all about
Don't hesitate to let me know what's on your mind
I'm sure you'll discover that I'm loving, sincere and kind
What more is needed other than a little chemistry
To conjure up some sky's the limit combined artistry
Sandra, 30 Oct 2019
Romance, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].
Nessa, 1 Nov 2019
Healing, Fly Up [and find the meaning of love].