Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

157 Return

Not returned, return (to me)

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Return, Imran, 14th Sep

Returned with thanks one heart most excitedly used
For now it sees no meaning, oh how it's been abused
In a short while it's been to many many extremes
It wants to sit and rest amidst the worlds streams

But inside I long for you and the way it used to be
I look at all I've done and wonder when I'll see thee
For it's you I want amidst the clamour, a voice serene
Accept my heartfelt apologies, darling don't be mean

A week without you my heart may perhaps bear
Any more than that, it just too much wear and tear
Can you forgive me for being daft and silly
It's you I long for, floating like Goldberry's lily

On a pond I fashion with my very talented hands
Ah to walk with you again someday on life's sands
I was referring to life being hard on us both my dear
I know you've been good to me, it's been my best year

No rest as yet I know, I toil now from day to day
Hoping soon I'll hold your hand in frolicksome play
Guide me sweetestheart, let your love show the way
Come back to mine arms and embrace me if you may



158 Longing →

For a past love