Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

132 Raji

For a friend's mother (2 days before her birthday)

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

Raji - May 14

I've known you now for 3 years
I've seen the spirit you breathed into your children
I love to watch you play with granddaughter
I believe you have already attained moksha

Release from the grip of life with its pains
As above the joys and sorrows you saw the Lord's hands
Seeing his bounties in all that befell you
And whispering a quiet prayer for those who went before

Pray for me now aunty as I try to glide through life
With an effortless grace such as people like you embody
Show us what it is to live with sublime unshakeable faith
And wait patiently for life its gifts on us to bestow

A lifetime of service to the needy you have managed
A devotion to the Lord's creation I wish my parents had done
I guess it was enough they did the best they could
Raising two wonderful children and helping family out

It's my turn now to learn the joy of giving
As I this mighty world seek to conquer with love
Bless me please as your children I promise to look after
Today, tomorrow and forever more


131 Kiss And Make Up →

Small bit of prose written on my father's last birthday


133 Mystic River →

THRK - For a friend who was abused at a tender age