Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

48 Nos Animaux

A poem in French about the animals and animal characters in my (younger) life.

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

Dans ma vie j'ai aime bien toutes nos animaux. Il etait

In my life I have loved much our animals. They were.

Les lapins Binkle et Flip
Dumbo l'elephant qui peux voler
Remy qui a devenu chef - il a dix ans
Mes trois souris blanche que je raconte dehors de Pondicherry

The rabbits Binkle and Flip
Dumbo the elephant who can fly
Remy who became a chef. That was 10 years ago.
My 3 white mice that I met outside Pondicherry

Quand j'etais petit il ya des moineaux
Qui je vois de notre balcon
Avec Marquis le chien entre mes jambes. C'est l'an 1996.
il etait mon dernier animal de compagnie

When I was young there were sparrows
Whom I saw from our balcony
With Marquis the dog between my legs. Its the year 1996.
He was my last pet

Radagast de Tolkien parle avec tous les animaux - les Kelvar
Treebeard et les autres Ents parle par la verdure - les Olvar
Yavanna est la Deesse pour ces, Mere Nature
Les Elfes, les enfants aines d'iluvatar vivent avec la nature

Tolkien's Radagast speaks with all animals - the Kelvar
Treebeard and the other Ents speak for venetation - the Olvar
Yavanna is the Goddess of these, Mother Nature
The Elves, the eldest children of Iluvatar live with nature

Pas comme les hommes qui les torture
Et tuer ces meilleures creations de dieux
Tuer pour la nourriture et le plus decevant pour le sport
mais pas tout le monde. Il y a de l'espoir

Not like the men who torture it [plants and animals]
And kill this best of God's creation
Kill for food and most despairingly for sport
but not the whole world, there is hope

Parce que certains humains sont vegetaliens
ils et elles aimer les animaux cherement
nous aimons nos chiens et chats et perroquets et ours
mais surtout nous nous aimons parmi toute la creation

Because some of us [humans] are vegan
they [men and women] love animals dearly
we love our dogs and cats and parrots and bears
but above all, we love ourselves among all the creation


To Hold

47 To Hold →

Wedding Vows (as to be expected - there wasnt even a girl on the horizon when I wrote this :p)


49 Go Back →

I was thinking about my father and how often we'd like to "Go Back" in time, especially when as we grow, we find relationships with loved ones strained.