Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.63 No More Cloudy Days
For a friend from days past. Romanticized version "My inmost mind only you can read - As I find a joy that you can relight".
Rhyme Scheme: AlternateA couple of years separates us
You who will always be kiddo to me
With you beside me I thought does
Life any better than this can be
You filled my days with your sweet dimpled smile
Your gentleness touched my heart
Now I wonder if you will stay yet a while
Let's make love again, go back to the very start
This time I will try and let you lead
As we dance on into the night
My inmost mind only you can read
As I find a joy that you can relight
Joy it was that brought us together
Ecoutez bien ma cherie
Me and my joie de vivre
You did indeed love me deeply
Why did we ever let distance get the better of us
Or was it just me who couldn't bear to be without you
Did you really mean to say goodbye and does
My heart still skip a beat as I bravely say adieu
Women, 2 Jun 2018
Romance, Spontaneous Love.
62 In My Life →
For the Beatles Song "In My Life" and a short reflection on an early love of mine. "in love for the first time - A woman to ride beside in any sort of clime - Who looked at me to the depths of my very soul".
Vichu, 6 Jun 2018
Family, Spontaneous Love.
64 Angels →
On the strain in relationships. "Why do we lose so consistently - When there's angels among us - Seems everything weve ever known is here - I never wanted it to die". That last bit from GnR