Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.133 Mystic River
THRK - For a friend who was abused at a tender age
Rhyme Scheme: Blank VerseMystic River - 19 May
They must have been just out of toddler hood
When they saw this boy unsullied for the last time
They couldn't understand the anger awoken in him
As his grief a lifetime never assuaged or gave relief
What means the word family when the worst it brings out
Always hurting each other never knowing why we shout
A hundred wrongs I know of by adults who never meant it
And children who bear the brunt of it, goddamn it
Break the cycle of bad karma, forgive and be blessed
To leave the past behind and live a peace newfounded
What do we do to the monsters who beat or abuse
Or the ones who are not strong and feel defeated
We go on hurting each other
Making each other cry
Hurting each other
Without ever knowing why
So awake from your nightmares
Kiss yourself tightly
Look for love in the world around
And find everlasting peace
Raji, 14 May 2019
Birthdays, Poetrusic by Chaos.
Simon, 23 May 2019
Imagine, Poetrusic by Chaos.