Infused :: Inspired by and Infused to Love

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

14 Mentors

For mentors who "push the boundaries of our abilities", a "chain of nurturers showing us the way".

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

Who accept us for what we are
Always inspiring us to be better
Involving us in the ways of the universe
An uncommon initiation into secrets timeless

Knowing our fears and desires
Guiding us to the avoidance of the one and the fulfilment of the other
Filling the gaps in our knowledge
Pushing the boundaries of our abilities

Initiating us into the path of works, knowledge, love
Making our burdens passable
Leading by example and a salve to the afflicted
We try and follow in their footsteps

Always reminding us of He who holds
The stars in the palm of his hands
For it is in the lap of God
That we play, ever mindful of the bounties of life

Mother, father, teacher, God
That chain of nurturers showing us the way
From within, inside our hearts
To become that highest expression of love


13 Cousins →

A plea to cousins to treat each other well and accumulate good memories of "mischievous deeds and healthy fun".


God, 22 Jan 2017
Nature, Essays to a Swan

15 Nature →

Beginning with romantic thoughts like "standing under a waterfall beside one you love", this poem ends with a call to have "deep wells of love, for the plants and animals that share this planet".