Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

109 Maia

Full of feelings, this one after accepting that we could just be friends. Maia (divine race) of Tolkien. "When do we get back to when our lives had art - As on afternoons we spoke happily with nary a care"

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

Maia, Imran, 12th Apr 2019

Philos was a friend I knew but I mistook him for another
And from the ensuing confusion I nearly lost a girl I knew
She wanted me to know we hadn't a future together
Except one of friendship, which now I begin to renew

Timeless is her beginnings for she of the race of maiar
Who played into being this Earth where we dwell
Along with countless others, musicians from Eru's lair
As per master Niggle, this story we begin to tell

Woman you enchant me, have from the very start
I think it was your smile as you threw back your hair
When do we get back to when our lives had art
As on afternoons we spoke happily with nary a care

I wonder now if I ever touched your heart
As you did mine I suppose I was just full of life
But something special in you drew me out
Made me think of dusting off my old fife

My instrument that brings me closer to you
As two musicians can weave images together
That make the world seem less dreary, not blue
Music to bind the world, strong as gossamer


108 Dear Lover →

Introducing a [then] current interest to a dear old friend. "Whose smile could lift my mood, make me go around - Any obstacle that life threw at me, peace pervaded me".


110 Choose Life →

For a friend who was feeling low and despondent