Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.


31 Mademoiselle

A romantic poem in French about how "my days are incomplete without you - the nights without colour and alone".

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

Mes jours ne sont complet sans vous
Les nuits sans couleur est solitaire
Mon coeur ne veut pas battre
Ton visage que j'adore est toujours dans mes pensées

my days are incomplete without you
The nights without colour and alone
My heart doesn't want to beat
Your face that I love is ever in my thoughts

Notre premier matin ensemble
Je t'ai donné une rose
Et nous marchons au parc
Tu pris mon oreille et dit

our first day together
I gave you a rose
And we walked to the park
You took my ear and said

Je t'aime mon amour avec toute ma coeur
Tu ce dis doucement trop doucement
Mes ailes battent vite
Mon esprit s'est levé haut

I love you my love with all my heart
You said it softly very softly
My wings beat fast
My spirit soared high

Nous avons voyagé à la campagne
Tes mains dans la mienne
Nos sourires si heureux
Les oiseaux si adorable

we had been to the countryside
Your hands in mine
Our smiles so happy
The birds so lovely

Sans l'autre nous sommes maintenant
Comme les poissons hors de l'eau
Trop trop triste mais en attente
Pour l'amour qui va encore

without the other we are now
Like fish out of water
Very very sad but waiting
For love to come again


30 Eros →

For Tracey again, this one ends with - "soaring on cupids wings, the couple would reflect - years later, on that love - so pristine and perfect".


32 Tether →

Another fun romantic poem. This one sung by a friend while the ink was still drying.