Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

19 Love

An earnest plea to love one another "for it is only when we express love that we become closer to our true self".

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

Love is the only prerequisite of life
It's what brought us here in the first place
And what saw us through our early years
The love our Father and Mother bore us

And, the love we bore them in return
The love we had for our friends and teachers
And later, girlfriends and boyfriends
A plethora of people in all

To inspire us to give of our best
For it is only when we express love
Do we become closer to our true self
A self that reinstates our illimitable origins

A timelessness of the soul in all its glory
For love is the difference between a poor man and a rich man
Love is the beginning, the middle and the end.
When you love, amazing is your life

For it is only with love that we truly live
Love for those, our partners and our children
And for lifetime friends and families
To renew that cycle of undying love


18 Friends →

For a dear friend who I "thank for being steadfast in love for those are the very things - that makes us feel not like paupers but as kings".


20 Teeming With Life →

How the world can be if Builders (Change Agents) were all given a chance to "reshape that stream of activity around us until the possibility of greatness is achieved".