Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]
My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.98 Louise
Written together by 8 healers who follow Louise Hay. "I experience the beauty of the universe with love and joy - I set out to win it all with a loud yell of ahoy".
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveI am grateful to God
And I am going to blog as I nod
I haven't experienced this before I am so happy to be here
It feel so good to have all of you here
I experience the beauty of the universe with love and joy
I set out to win it all with a loud yell of ahoy
My life is an ocean of blessings
And it full of givings of happiness and feelings
I am blessed and alive
Which helps you to survive
I feel connected to nature
As we love life it becomes our greatest teacher
The waves of life come and go
Make everyone your friend not your foe
We toil in search of the perfect partner only to find it was ourselves
So roll up your sleeves and get to work, busy as them elves
I jump with joy to the music of love
And fly the highest skies, free like a dove
You, me and we together this team is perfect
And this force we feel is a love effect
God, 30 Mar 2019
Spirit, Spontaneous Love.
97 Fight →
Live Valiant! "Guess I should, if I could go out and fight - For the victory of Good - fight with all might".
Nessa, 6 Apr 2019
Romance, Spontaneous Love.
99 Tonight →
Inspired by the Kenny Roger's song We've got tonight. "Lend your love to me tonight for love we want to share - Make every minute count as into your eyes I stare".