Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

78 Joy

Too bad it was all imaginary. "And in that winter, beside a warm ember - That hearth of ours where we make love - Meld our bodies till all our worries dissolve".

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Joy I've known aplenty with you beside me
In wake or in dream, boundless as can be
Calm my mood, bubbly and effervescent
Heady our brew, giving off a lovely scent

That people can smile at, two dear dear friends
So full of each other, that any problem can mend
Twin hearts beating together as one entity
Come love me girl, love me till all eternity

Love me tender, love me till December
And in that winter, beside a warm ember
That hearth of ours where we make love
Meld our bodies till all our worries dissolve

A light that guides me from dawn to dark
Steadfast our love, to enliven with its spark
Me and you, you and me - as from life we wrest
Secrets aplenty, your warmth at my breast

Lips so gentle as to reflect the whole universe
My arms embrace you as me blood doth course
In throes of delight I waken but to find you gone
A shattered dream where for a moment we were one


77 Sculpting →

Jointly on Brotherly Love


79 Starburst →

"Heart to heart, body to body. A torch - To bear testament to the love we share - In all the seasons with us without a care".