Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

10 Infants

About babies and how they can soothe our hearts. For my mother Uma.

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

Nine months in preparation
And ninety years in expression
Baby's have the power to soothe our hearts
Melt us with their laughter

Bundles of joy, they bring out the best in us.
Slow to learn but quick to love
Play they do, amidst our trials and tribulations
Making our burdens easier to bear

Rapt they listen to our well intentioned lessons
Always reminding us of our own joys
That we experienced at the dawn of our lives
Expressions they become

Of the highest forms of love
An act so serene
And vital to our whole
Choose they must, to give of their highest right

Endeavouring to lessen the burdens
Of those that surround them
On they go, along the way, but,
When we think back, theyll always be baby to us


9 Ebbs and Flows →

A plea to one and all to have enthusiasm in life to "flow through our niggles" and be "full of joy" despite the ups and downs.


11 Hope →

A message that Hope shalt spring, eternal in the human breast - and that we "live eternal in God's light of love".