Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

134 Fresh Air

Another poem from the Imagine series

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Fresh Air, 23rd May, for Simon

I wonder if we fight for justice and right
That most times we end up losing the fight
Theres always an idiot in charge somewhere
Cast them away let them breathe fresh air

Be stern with these morons, dont let them win
Their time is up, discard them in a nearby bin
We've had enough it's time to look everywhere
For leaders with passion like a breath of fresh air

Do we have the courage to purge the hateful
Who cause us to be at our most harmful
I beg you to be wary and think of your every care
Build a garden where blows fragrant fresh air

Who will cast out the first and worst lout
Whose time is over, is on his way out
Be careful and vote for the ones who dare
Make paradise on earth, full of fresh air

Were tired and depressed from all that is done
In the name of progress, no victory is won
Good times ahead, I can see it everywhere
Gardens where animals can count on fresh air


133 Mystic River →

THRK - For a friend who was abused at a tender age


135 Advaith →

For my cousin, on his birthday